- Multi-material additive manufacturing through electrostatic metal powder attraction and laser-induced forward transfer Les publikasjonen
- Roadmap for additive manufacturing of HAYNES® 282® superalloy by laser beam powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) technology Les publikasjonen
- Fluid flow through 3D-printed particle beds: a new technique for understanding, validating, and improving predictability of permeability from empirical equations Les publikasjonen
- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Ductility of Inconel 718 Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Les publikasjonen
- Processing of Haynes® 282® Alloy by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Technology
- GRIBBOT - Robotic 3D vision-guided harvesting of chicken fillets Les publikasjonen
- Additive Manufacturing for Enhanced Performance of Molds