Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Andre prosjekter
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
Kontaktperson, programvare
- Simulations of the effect of smectite-to-illite transition in shales on permeability and overpressures using a stochastic approach, a Norwegian margin case study
- Digitized uncertainty handling of pore pressure and mud-weight window ahead of bit: north sea example
- Deliverable D3.2.4 Storage options relevant for the Norwegian cluster and their development, Norway
- Storage Resources for Future European CCS Deployment; A Roadmap for a Horda CO2 Storage Hub, Offshore Norway
- Uncertainty modelling of minimum horizontal stresses and porepressures in deeply buried grabens. What's next in modelling?
- Statistical modeling for real-time pore pressure prediction from predrill analysis and well logs Les publikasjonen
- Porosity, permeability and compaction trends for Scandinavian regoliths
- Workflow for Uncertainty Modelling of Pore Pressure and Mud Weight Window ahead of Bit - Example of Pre-drill Results from the North Sea
- CO2 Storage Capacity Estimates for a Norwegian and a Swedish Aquifer Using Different Approaches - From Theoretical Volumes, Basin Modelling to Reservoir Models
- Assessment of the Cenozoic Erosion Amount Using Monte Carlo Type-Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Hammerfest Basin, Western Barents Sea
Annen formidling
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab Site overview
- A Framework for Selection of Promising CCUS Value Chains in the Baltic and Mediterranean Regions: CCUS ZEN Project Study
- Developing CCUS in Mediterranean Region – Technical Evaluation of Promising Value Chains
- Webinar 2 High-level CCUS value chain screening
- Overview underground CO2 storage seen from Norway - examples using ML on faults, and simulations of caprock properties
- A framework for regional high-level technical screening ofpromising CCUS value chains
- Development of Cost-Efficient CO2 Monitoring for Medium-Scale Injection Projects
- Sommerstudent 2024 SINTEF Industri
- SP3 results: A step closer to sustainable reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure
- Vil Norge bli haren eller skilpadden i kappløpet om storskala CO2-lagring?