Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Future Prospects of Marine Aquaculture
- The influence of fish on the mooring loads of a floating net cage Les publikasjonen
- NumSim - Numerical simulation of complex systems involving interaction between elements with large and varying stiffness properties Les publikasjonen
- Exposed aquaculture in Norway: Technologies for robust operations in rough conditions
- Structural analysis of aquaculture nets: comparison and validation of different numerical modeling approaches
- Sluttrapport for FHF prosjekt #900813 Interaksjon mellom not og utspilingssystem: Modellforsøk for å få frem grunnleggende kunnskap om oppførsel til not og utspilingssystem under ulike værforhold. Les publikasjonen
- Structural analysis of aquaculture nets: comparison and validation of different numerical modelling approaches
- Simulation and validation of a numerical model of a full aquaculture net-cage system
- Forces on a cruciform/sphere structure in uniform current
Annen formidling
- Stort behov for modelltesting i basseng
- Operational limits for floating-collar fish farms in waves and current, without and with well-boat presence
- Unlocking exposed locations for sea aquaculture activities with autonomy and remote control technology
- A Centre for research-based innovation in Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Collaboration and Synergies Between Maritime Industries Within The "Ocean Space"
- Exposed aquaculture operations
- Exposed aquaculture operations in Norway: present challenges, research and future opportunities
- Hvordan norsk sjømatnæring kan bidra til å løse globale utfordringer
- Industritungvektere ser til havbruk
- The view of the offshore aquaculture sector
- An optimum design concept for offshore cage culture