Kontaktperson, laboratorier
Flere publikasjoner
- Evaluation of Thermal Network Modelling and Finite Element Analysis for Ampacity Rating Calculation of Wind Farm Export Cable Les publikasjonen
- Non-destructive condition assessment methodology for generator bars
- High Frequency Dielectric Properties and Losses in Partial Discharge Resistant Rotating Machine Insulation
- Partial Discharge Inception Voltage of Pigtail Samples with Type II Insulation and Sinusoidal vs Switched Voltage
- Experiences with ampacity rating calculations for wind farm export cable
- Implementation of finite element analysis and hybrid IEC-models in online ampacity tool
- Evaluation of simplified heat transport for power cables in pipes
- Analysis of Partial Discharge Activity for Multi-Stress Accelerated Aged Stator Bars
- Use of Data-Driven Approaches for Defect Classification in Stator Winding Insulation Les publikasjonen
- Optimisation of power cable ampacity in offshore wind farm applications Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Towards hight voltage levels in electric machines for aviation
- Strømnettet er ikke fullt likevel
- Skal utvikle avansert teknologi for kabelovervåkning
- High voltage power electronic converters - Dielectric performance, stresses and testing
- Strømnettet er ikke fullt likevel
- Strømnettet er ikke fullt likevel
- Evaluation of simplified heat transport for power cables in pipes
- Implementation of finite element analysis and hybrid IEC-models in online ampacity tool
- New ultra-fast camera to ElPowerLab
- Highspeedcamera - ElPowerlab