Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Evaluation of Thermal Network Modelling and Finite Element Analysis for Ampacity Rating Calculation of Wind Farm Export Cable Les publikasjonen
- Dimensioning and sizing of an energy storage for ports when considering both fast and slow load variations
- Experiences with ampacity rating calculations for wind farm export cable
- Erfaringer og resultater fra case-studier : IPN ElMar
- Implementation of finite element analysis and hybrid IEC-models in online ampacity tool
- How to Plug In the Fishing Fleet: Connectors in charging infrastructure for small fishing boats
- Hybrid Method for Numerical Implementation of Segmented Power Cable Conductors in Finite-element Based Ampacity Calculation Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Satsing på landstrøm krever styrking av virkemidlene
- Implementation of finite element analysis and hybrid IEC-models in online ampacity tool
- Forsker for en sommer
- Hvordan kan landstrøm bli mer attraktivt? Funn i FoU-prosjektet ElMar
- En versting når det gjelder forurensning, men hvordan skal fiskebåtene lades?
- Cost comparison tool - Shore power vs. power generated on board
- Cost comparison of shore power and electricity generated on board vessels
- Han jobber los landets mest attraktive arbeidsgiver
- Henrik Strand (28) jobber hos landets mest attraktive arbeidsgiver for unge
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