Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Kontaktperson, fagområder
- CCUS educational materials
- D12.6 Neutral solution packages for CCUS implementation in smart, sustainable cities
- CCS technological innovation system dynamics in Norway Les publikasjonen
- CCS Haugalandet : Evaluation of CO2 logistics scenarios in the Haugalandet region
- Lessons Learned from the Preem-CCS Project – a Pioneering Swedish-Norwegian Collaboration Showcasing the Full CCS Chain
- CO2 Capture from IGCC by Low-Temperature Synthesis Gas Separation Les publikasjonen
- D4.2 Legal and regulatory framework for Swedish/Norwegian CCS cooperation
- Preem CCS : Synthesis of main project findings and insights
- Techno-Economic Analyses of the CaO/CaCO3 Post-Combustion CO2 Capture From NGCC Power Plants Les publikasjonen
- CO2-fangst fra hydrogenproduksjon ved Haugaland Næringspark : rapport fra CLIMIT idéstudie "Haugaland CCS" Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Two shades of green: can European industry decarbonise and stay competitive?
- COP29: Carbon Dioxide Removal is needed to reach net zero by 2050
- COP29: Karbonfjerning må komme i tillegg til utslippskutt
- LCA as a tool for understanding environmental impacts and benefits of CCUS and alternative fuels: insights from the second LCA to CCUS & alternative fuels workshop
- How can we decarbonise cement production?
- Arendalsuka: Negative ambisjoner – slik må vi fjerne CO2 for å nå netto null
- More matter with less art: on Hamlet and the lack of real climate action
- The ACCSESS Project: an International Project developing replicable CCUS Pathways in Europe
- The ACCSESS project: A European collaboration for Capture, Chains and Society
- tagesthemen; Modell Norwegen: Umstrittene Speicherung von CO2 bald auch in Deutschland?