Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Andre prosjekter
Kontaktperson, laboratorier
- Real-time temporal adaptation of dynamic movement primitives for moving targets Les publikasjonen
- A taxonomy for autonomy in industrial autonomous mobile robots including autonomous merchant ships Les publikasjonen
- AJA method and AJA Canvas as a Design Tool for marine Autonomous Operations with a test case scenario: the detection, inspection and tracking of a waste-water plume
- A taxonomy for autonomous vehicles for different transportation modes
- Viscoelastic properties of cells: Modeling and identification by atomic force microscopy Les publikasjonen
- Canvas as a Design Tool for Autonomous Operations: : With application to net inspection of a sea based fish farm using an underwater vehicle Les publikasjonen
- A literature review on the levels of automation during the years. What are the different taxonomies that have been proposed?
- Nonlinear Tracking Control Scheme for a Nanopositioner
- Cell Mechanics Modeling and Identification by Atomic Force Microscopy
- A literature review on the levels of automation during the years. What are the different taxonomies that have been proposed?
Annen formidling
- Roboter kan bidra til å avlaste et overbelastet helsevesen
- Presentasjon av prosjektet AutoPort: AutoPort – When AI optimizes port logistics and management.
- Hva må til for å realisere autonome skip? Status, muligheter og veien videre
- Enabling technologies for autonomous robotics in IMR: trends and possibilities
- Canvas as a Design Tool for Autonomous Operations: : With application to net inspection of a sea based fish farm using an underwater vehicle
- Cell Mechanics Modeling and Identification by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Autonomous Job Analysis: A Method for Design of Autonomous Marine Operations
- SEATONOMY Design, development and validation of marine autonomous systems and operations