Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Andre prosjekter
- IntelLiGent - Innovative and sustainable high-voltage Li -ion cells for next generation (EV) batteries (2022 - 2025)
- SUMBAT - Sustainable Materials for the Battery Value Chain (2022 - 2025)
- eaSi-system - Rammeverk for vurdering av effekter på FNs bærekraftsmål (2020 - 2023)
- HYDRA - Hybrid effekt-energi elekroder for neste generasjon litium-ion batterier (2020 - 2024)
- From local strategies to global sustainability: A macroeconomic analysis of Extended Producer Responsibility scenarios for the Norwegian consumer textiles sector
- Circular Economy and the triple bottom line in Norway
- Social and Employment Impacts of Climate Change and Green Economy Policies in Türkiye
- The Future is Circular - Circular Economy and Critical Minerals for the Green Transition Les publikasjonen
- Environmental and social consequences of mineral extraction for low-carbon technologies: Cobalt, lithium and nickel extraction, impacts and relation to the SDGs Les publikasjonen
- Nigeria Green Jobs Assessment Report: Measuring the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Policies to Guide NDC Enhancement and a Just Transition
- Zimbabwe Green Jobs Assessment Report: Measuring the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Policies to Guide NDC Enhancement and a Just Transition
- Framework conditions, policies and projections for clean energy export from Norway
- Study of the potential for reduced greenhouse gas emissions and the transition to a low-emission society
- Environmental and Labour accounts for OECD Inter-Country Input-Output Tables 2010-2013 Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Material flows analysis can guide policy makers to a more circular economy
- Critical raw materials for Net-Zero: The influence of technological and societal paths to meet global material demand
- Estimating the employment effects of climate policies using Green Jobs Assement Models (GJAMs)
- Accounting for the firewood economy in the Green Jobs Assessment Model
- Environmentally-Extended Input Output Analysis for Ecological Economics
- A Triple Bottom Line Analysis of Global Consumption: Economic, Environmental, and Social Effects of Pre-Pandemic World Trade 1990–2015
- Impacts on the Sustainable Development Goals of Offshore Wind Energy
- Global SDG impacts of offshore wind and solar PV diffusion
- SDG impacts of selected circular economy strategies in Norway
- Close the carbon loophole