Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- HYPER - An electrochemically produced oxidiser for modular, onsite generation of HYdrogen PERoxide (2023 - 2026)
- ēQATOR – Elektrisk oppvarmede reaktorer for katalytisk reformering (2022 - 2025)
- CCU4Norge - Promotering og koordinasjon av CCU-aktiviteter for norsk industri og samfunn (2021 - 2023)
- FUTUREFEED – CO2 som et fremtidig råstoff for kjemikalier, polymerer og drivstoff (2014 - 2017)
- CyclicCO2R - Produksjon av Sykliske Karbonater fra CO2 ved hjelp av fornybart råstoff (2013 - 2016)
Flere publikasjoner
- A Disruptive Innovation for Upgrading Methane to C3 Commodity Chemicals. Technical challenges faced by the C123 European consortium Les publikasjonen
- Synthesis and characterization of stable gold(III) PNP pincer complexes
- Markovnikov at Gold: Nucleophilic Addition to Alkenes at Au(III) Les publikasjonen
- Synthesis of a (N,C,C) Au(III) pincer complex via Csp3–H bond activation: increasing catalyst robustness by rational catalyst design
- trans-Mutation at Gold(III): A mechanistic study of a catalytic acetylene functionalization via a double insertion pathway Les publikasjonen
- NMR spectroscopic investigations into the mechanism of absorption and desorption of CO2 by (tris-pyridyl)amine Zn complexes Les publikasjonen
- Small-molecule activation at Au(III): metallacycle construction from ethylene, water and acetonitrile
- Hydrogen storage properties of γ–Mg(BH4)2 modified by MoO3 and TiO2
- New catalysts for carboxylation of propylene glycol to propylene carbonate via high-throughput screening
- Destabilization effect of transition metal fluorides on sodium borohydride
Annen formidling
- Gas phase hydroformylation with the post-modified Metal-Organic Framework NU-1000.
- Gas phase hydroformylation with the post-modified Metal-Organic Framework NU-1000.
- EU COZMOS project - Conversion of CO2 to renewable propane.
- Slik kan vi bruke klimaverstingen CO2 til noe nyttig
- Aske fra energigjenvinning kan erstatte sement Les publikasjonen
- Gold-NHC Complexes for Vacuum Deposition Applications: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications in FEBID
- CCU – What it is, what it isn't, and why it is important for Norway.
- Introduction to the COZMOS Project: an Efficient CO2 Conversion via Multisite Zeolite-Metal Nanocatalysts to Fuels and Olefins.
- Slik kan vi bruke klimaverstingen CO2 til noe smart
- CO2 er mer enn klimatrussel: Hvordan kan CCU bli Norges nye teknologieventry?