- INTEND: Human-Like Intelligence for Intent-Based Data Operations in the Cognitive Computing Continuum Les publikasjonen
- SMARAGD: Data Interoperability for Decision Support in the Norwegian Agrifood Sector Les publikasjonen
- Latency-Aware Node Selection in Federated Learning
- Towards Smarter Security Orchestration and Automatic Response for CPS and IoT Les publikasjonen
- Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data
- Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning
- Towards Community-Driven Generative AI
- The DYNABIC approach to resilience of critical infrastructures
- An inclusive Lifecycle Approach for IoT Devices Trust and Identity Management
- Context-Aware Digital Twins to Support Software Management at the Edge
Annen formidling
- INTEND: Cognitive Computing Continuum for Intent-Based Data Operations
- SMARAGD: Data Interoperability for Decision Support in the Norwegian Agrifood Sector
- Latency-Aware Node Selection in Federated Learning
- Session Chair on "Activity Recognition, Human Tracking and Localization"
- Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data
- Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning
- Towards Community-Driven Generative AI
- Towards Community-Driven Generative AI
- ChatGPT krever moderering a la Wikipedia
- ChatGPT krever moderering à la Wikipedia