Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Life cycle assessment of Calanus finmarchicus products
- Sustainability implications of COVID-19 related seafood supply chain disruptions in Norway Les publikasjonen
- Environmental impact of Norwegian food and beverages: compilation of a life cycle assessment food database Les publikasjonen
- A Comparative Assessment of the Inherent Safety of Hydrogen-Fuelled Power Systems Les publikasjonen
- Nutritional quality and climate impact of Norwegian adults’ diet classified according to the NOVA system Les publikasjonen
- Onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) for fossil fuel-based shipping: A sustainability assessment Les publikasjonen
- Environmental impact of Norwegian self-selected diets: comparing current intake with national dietary guidelines and EAT-Lancet targets
- Alternative energikilder og -bærere i sjømatnæringen - Delrapport 3 i EnerSea - Tilgang på fornybar energi for sjømatnæringen fram mot 2040
- Electrification of the Coastal Fishing Fleet Using Hydrogen and Ammonia-Fed Fuel Cells
- Decarbonization of maritime transport: Sustainability assessment of alternative power systems
Annen formidling
- Calanus finmarchicus as an alternative feed ingredient for Norwegian salmon aquaculture: environmental sustainability and future challenges and barriers
- Resilient supply chains under pressure: Investigating how shocks impacted the environmental footprint of Norwegian seafood products
- Life cycle assessment of Calanus finmarchicus products
- Decarbonisation in food supply chains: a review of current European initiatives
- Sustainable food value chains in the European Union: Linking policies and multi-stakeholders’ initiatives
- Food loss and waste in seafood value chains: causes, volumes and environmental cost
- Energy efficiency of fishing fleet - available data and methods
- Energy consumption of ammonia refrigeration system on board a fishing vessel
- CoolFish workshop:Carbon footprint of fisheries
- Sustainability of fish feed supply chains