Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Distributed Acostic Sensing of Underwater Acoustic Communication Packets: Effects of Frequency and Incidence Angles
- Snowmobile noise alters bird vocalization patterns during winter and pre-breeding season Les publikasjonen
- Forvaltningsrelevant bruk av akustikk for overvåking av norsk natur II
- SensIs - Underwater acoustic network for ice-monitoring
- SEATONOMY Design, development and validation of marine autonomous systems and operations Les publikasjonen
- Ocean Space Surveillance - Network Deployment Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Ocean space surveillance system - OSS
- Connectivity prediction in underwater acoustic networks based on hydrodynamic modeling
- Linking Acoustic Communications and Network Performance: Integration and Experimentation of an Underwater Acoustic Network
- Scalability Analysis of Underwater Sensor Networks
Annen formidling
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing of Underwater Acoustic Communication Packets: Effects of Frequency and Incident Angle
- The Lofoten-Vesterålen Ocean Observatory—A cabled infrastructure for operational acoustical oceanography
- Autonomy levels versus communication in an underwater environment
- SEATONOMY Design, development and validation of marine autonomous systems and operations
- On the use of Information-Carrying based Route Protocol in real UWSN deployments with high traffic load
- Ocean space surveillance system - OSS
- Ocean Space Surveillance - Network Deployment Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Connectivity prediction in underwater acoustic networks based on hydrodynamic modeling
- Scalability Analysis of Underwater Sensor Networks
- Ocean Space Surveillance. Combining sensor networks and ocean models