Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Andre prosjekter
- BATMAX - Batteristyring ved bruk av digitale tvillinger med flere domener (2023 - 2026)
- IntelLiGent - Innovative and sustainable high-voltage Li -ion cells for next generation (EV) batteries (2022 - 2025)
- HYDRA - Hybrid effekt-energi elekroder for neste generasjon litium-ion batterier (2020 - 2024)
- SEAMAG - Høy-ytelses sjøvann-magnesium batterier for maritime anvendelser (2018 - 2021)
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
Kontaktperson, programvare
- A Multiphase and Multicomponent Model Considering Molecular Diffusion for Simulating Shale Oil Reservoirs With Complex Fracture Networks
- Phase behavior and black-oil simulations of Hydrogen storage in saline aquifers
- An Integrated Modeling Framework for Simulating Complex Transient Flow in Fractured Reservoirs with 3D High-Quality Grids
- Adaptive Timestepping, Linearization, and A Posteriori Error Control for Multiphase Flow of Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media with Wells
- Adaptive Time Stepping, Linearization and a Posteriori Error Control for Multiphase Flow with Wells
- A semi-discrete scheme derived from variational principles for global conservative solutions of a Camassa–Holm system Les publikasjonen
- Toward accurate reservoir simulations on unstructured grids: design of simple error estimators and critical benchmarking of consistent discretization methods for practical implementation
- A Comparison of Consistent Discretizations for Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Grids
- Robust chemical solver for fully-implicit simulations
- Streamline simulation of a reactive advective flow with discontinuous flux function Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- The Battery Modelling Toolbox (BattMo)
- Phase Behavior and Black-Oil Simulations of Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers
- Battery simulation with Julia
- Optimization and parameterization of electrochemical systems in BattMo, the battery modeling toolbox
- BattMo.jl: A high-performance, open-source, battery simulation toolbox written in Julia
- BattMo: An open-source toolbox for continuum modelling of electrochemical devices
- Adaptive Timestepping, Linearization, and A Posteriori Error Control for Multiphase Flow of Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media with Wells
- Electrochemical-thermal simulations in 3D using BattMo, the Battery Modelling Toolbox
- Thermo-Electrochemical Simulation of Large-Format Li-Ion Cells in 3D Using the Battery Modelling Toolbox (BattMo)