: Generation of wells using general curves¶
Functionality for defining wells following curvilinear trajectories. By defining each well trajectory as a series of points, this module can combine multiple trajectories and determine which cells are penetrated by the well path. The trajectories can be interpolated using any of Matlab’s built-in routines (splines, piecewise linear functions, etc).
- Files
- combineWellPaths - Combine multiple simple paths into a full tree findWellPathCells - Convert well path to the intersected cells getWellFromPath - Convert well path to MRST well. makeSingleWellpath - Create well path from points (and optional connectivity and active flag) plotWellPath - Plot a well path refineSpline - Refine a curve to higher resolution using spline interpolation
(wellpaths)¶ Combine multiple simple paths into a full tree
wellpath = combineWellPaths({wp1, wp2, wp3});
Given multiple simple well paths this function assembles a single well tree from the inputs. For this to work we assume that:
- The paths are ordered by depth in the tree. This is not the
vertical depth, but rather that a path will always be connected to one of the curves preceding it in the list. - Paths (aside from the first one) always start with a point that also exists in one of the preceding paths. This is used to connect the paths.
Parameters: wellpaths – Cell array of simple well paths to be assembled together. A simple well path is assumed to contain a single list of points (i.e. it will only represent a line segment). Returns: wellpath – Composite wellpath made from the simple wellpaths. The topology will be tree-like in nature. See also
(G, wellpath, varargin)¶ Convert well path to the intersected cells
cells = findWellPaths(G, wellpath);
By creating a triangulation and mapping perforations to the closest cells, this routine realizes the continuous well path into discrete cells, making it possible to build simulation wells from it.
Parameters: - G – The grid structure we want to realize the wells on.
- wellpath – Well path. See “makeSingleWellpath” for spec.
Keyword Arguments: - interpType – The type of interpolation used to extend the curve between points. Supports the same types as MATLAB builtin interp1. Default: Spline.
- triangulation – The triangulation (typically from delaunayTriangulation) used to determine proximity in the grid.
- refinement – Refinement number used to further refine the well curve before computing which cells it intersect. Default: 100.
Returns: - cells – The list of cells the well intersects.
- segment – Segment indicator for each cell, indicating which wellpath segment produced that specific completion. If multiple choices are possible, the segment which comes first in wellpath.points is used.
- ptsind – Point indicator, indicating which point in the segment was the closest to a given cell.
- DT – Triangulation used to produce the results.
See also
(W0, G, rock, wellpath, varargin)¶ Convert well path to MRST well.
W = getWellFromPath(W, G, rock, wellpath);
This routine converts a well path (representing curves and points) into a well (represented by cells and connectivity).
Parameters: - W0 – Well array to be extended with the new well.
- G – The grid the well is to be placed in.
- rock – Rock structure which defines permeability and porosity.
- wellpath –
- Well path as procued by makeSingleWellPath or
- combineWellPaths.
This function calls addWell. Any keyword arguments are passed onto addWell.
Returns: W – Updated wells
Currently no special effort is made to ensure correct well indices for the well.
(pts, conn, active)¶ Create well path from points (and optional connectivity and active flag)
wellpath = makeSingleWellpath(pts); wellpath = makeSingleWellpath(pts, conn) wellpath = makeSingleWellpath(pts, conn, active)
Create a well path from lists of points. The resulting structure will be a single struct with fields:
- points:
Cell array, each consisting of N x Dim arrays of n points. Each entry contains the points for one segment that are assumed to be connected as a line according to their ordering. The first entry is assumed to be closest to the starting point of the well (closest here means along the well bore).
- connectivity:
Array of size M x 2 where M is the number of entries in the .points cell array. If entry number 5 of connectivity is [2 7] it means that segment number 5 is connected to segment 2, at point number 7 of segment 2’s internal ordering. In effect, segment 5 branches off from segment 2 from the coordinate .points{2}(7, :).
- active:
Cell array, containing active flags for the segments between points. If points{i} contains N x dim entries, active{i} should contain (N-1) x 1 entries, indicating if the subsegments are active.
If points is of size 6 x 3 and active looks like this: [1; % 1 -> 2
1; % 2 -> 3 0; % 3 -> 4 1; % 4 -> 5 1] % 5 -> 6
it means that the part of the segment will be disabled from point 3 to point 4.
Parameters: pts – - Maps directly to points (see above). If pts is a numeric
- array, it will be interpreted as a cell array with a single entry.
connectivity - Maps directly into connectivity.
active - Maps directly into active.
Returns: wellpath – Wellpath suitable for plotting or producing well completions. See also
(wellpaths, varargin)¶ Plot a well path
plotWellPath(wellpath) h = plotWellPath(wellpath, 'color', 'r')
Plots a given well path, using colors and showing control points along the curve.
Parameters: wellpath – Well path to be plotted. See makeSingleWellpath.
Keyword Arguments: - interpType – Interpolation type used. Same possible values as for MATLAB builtin interp1. Default: Spline.
- LineWidth – Line width of curve used to draw wellpath segments.
- MarkerColor – Used to colorize the control points.
- Color – Color of the line segments themselves.
- Refinement – The path is refined using interpolation to produce nice curves. Entering a positive number here will refine the curve by a number of points. Interpreted as a multiplicative factor.
Returns: h – Two-column array of handles. The first column contains handles for the line segments and the second for the control point markers.
See also
(points, n_refine, interpType)¶ Refine a curve to higher resolution using spline interpolation
pts = refineSpline(points, 10, 'spline'); pts = refineSpline(points, 5);
Refine a given curve given as a array of points into
Parameters: - points – A npts x dim array of points giving the curve to be refined. Implicitly assumed to be ordered.
- n_refine – The refinement factor. If the original entries in points contained n points, the output will have n_refine*n total points.
- interpType – Type of interpolation. Supports the same values as the fourth argument to MATLABs interp1 function. If omitted, it defaults to ‘spline’.
Returns: - pts – Refined points.
- v – Parametrization of the new points. Continuous values from 1 to npts indicating how far along interpolated values are on the original trajectory.
Define a model¶
Generated from wellTrajectoryExample.m
mrstModule add ad-core ad-blackoil diagnostics wellpaths
km = kilo*meter;
pdims = [5, 4, 0.01]'*km;
% dims = [50, 40, 10];
dims = [25, 20, 5];
G = cartGrid(dims, pdims);
G = computeGeometry(G);
Define a forked well¶
We define four curves, with some common points to combine them into a single well path.
p1 = [0.25, 0.5, 0.9, 1.5]'*km;
n = numel(p1);
z = [.25, 0.5, 0.75, .80]'*pdims(3);
a = [p1(1)*ones(n, 1), p1];
b = [p1, p1(1)*ones(n, 1)];
c = [p1, p1];
origin = [0, 0, 0; a(1, :), z(1)];
% First foru well paths.
wellpath0 = makeSingleWellpath(origin);
wellpath1 = makeSingleWellpath([a, z]);
wellpath2 = makeSingleWellpath([b, z]);
wellpath3 = makeSingleWellpath([c, z]);
% Combine into single well path
wellpath_fork = combineWellPaths({wellpath0, wellpath1, wellpath2, wellpath3});
% Plotting

Make a comb-like well¶
x = [3, 3.5, 4, 4.5]'*km;
y = [3.5, 3, 2.5, 2]'*km;
y0 = [3.75*km; y];
x0 = x(end)*ones(numel(y)+1, 1);
dz = 1/numel(y);
z0 = (0:dz:1)'*pdims(3);
wp0 = [x0, y0, z0];
n0 = numel(x0);
wellpaths = cell(5, 1);
wellpaths{1} = makeSingleWellpath(wp0);
for i = 1:4
n = numel(x);
wp = [x, repmat(y(i), n, 1), repmat(z0(i+1), n, 1)];
wellpaths{i+1} = makeSingleWellpath(wp(end:-1:1, :));
wellpath_comb = combineWellPaths(wellpaths);
Determine the cells¶
[cells_fork, segInd_fork, ~, ~, DT] = findWellPathCells(G, wellpath_fork);
[cells_comb, segInd_comb] = findWellPathCells(G, wellpath_comb, 'triangulation', DT);
Plot the well trajectories¶
plotGrid(G, 'facec', 'none', 'edgea', .1)
view(40, 56)

Plot wells individually + realized cell perforations¶
close all
for i = 1:2
if i == 1
wp = wellpath_comb;
si = segInd_comb;
c = cells_comb;
v = [30, 12];
wp = wellpath_fork;
si = segInd_fork;
c = cells_fork;
v = [160, 40];
subplot(2, 1, 1)
title('Well trajectory with segment indicators')
axis tight off
subplot(2, 1, 2)
plotCellData(G, si, c)
title('Cells with segment indicators')
axis tight off

Set up actual simulation wells from the well paths¶
Initial reservoir state
initSat = [.1, .9];
state = initResSol(G, 200*barsa, initSat);
% Rock
rock = makeRock(G, 300*milli*darcy, 0.5);
time = 10*year;
rate = .25*sum(poreVolume(G, rock))/time;
segInd = cell(2, 1);
W = [];
[W, segInd{1}] = getWellFromPath(W, G, rock, wellpath_fork, ...
'comp_i', [1 0], 'val', 300*barsa, 'type', 'bhp', 'sign', -1, 'Name', 'Producer');
[W, segInd{2}] = getWellFromPath(W, G, rock, wellpath_comb,...
'comp_i', [1 0], 'val', rate, 'type', 'rate', 'sign', 1, 'Name', 'Injector');
Set up simulation model¶
mrstModule add ad-core ad-blackoil ad-props
fluid = initSimpleADIFluid('rho', [1000, 700, 100]*kilogram/meter^3, ...
'mu', [1, 10 1]*centi*poise);
model = TwoPhaseOilWaterModel(G, rock, fluid);
model.extraStateOutput = true;
model.extraWellSolOutput = true;
Build a schedule¶
n = 50;
dt = time/n;
timesteps = repmat(dt, n, 1);
schedule = simpleSchedule(timesteps, 'W', W);
[ws, states] = simulateScheduleAD(state, model, schedule);
Solving timestep 01/50: -> 73 Days
Solving timestep 02/50: 73 Days -> 146 Days
Solving timestep 03/50: 146 Days -> 219 Days
Solving timestep 04/50: 219 Days -> 292 Days
Solving timestep 05/50: 292 Days -> 1 Year
Solving timestep 06/50: 1 Year -> 1 Year, 73 Days
Solving timestep 07/50: 1 Year, 73 Days -> 1 Year, 146 Days
Solving timestep 08/50: 1 Year, 146 Days -> 1 Year, 219 Days
Plot well curves + reservoir properties¶
mrstModule add mrst-gui
plotToolbar(G, states);
axis tight off
view(40, 56);
T = cumsum(schedule.step.val);
plotWellSols(ws, T)

Plot the saturation front¶
close all
plotGrid(G, 'facec', 'none', 'edgea', .2);
view(-60, 60);
h = nan;
for i = 1:numel(states)
if ishandle(h); delete(h); end
s = states{i}.s(:, 1);
h = plotCellData(G, s, s > 0.2, 'edgea', .2);

Apply some flow diagnostics…¶
diagstate = states{end};
[state_split, Wc] = expandWellCompletions(diagstate, W, segInd);
D = computeTOFandTracer(state_split, G, rock, 'wells', Wc);
WP = computeWellPairs(state_split, G, rock, Wc, D);