Contact person, laboratories
- Konseptbeskrivelse for bærekrafts-rapportering i FiskInfoPlattformen
- Using a board game to explain a concept model: Experience from multimodal traffic management
- Final PMA for multimodal traffic management. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D3.3.
- Systematic mapping of scientific publications on MaaS
- Reference Architecture for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) - Stakeholder roles, motivations and use cases. A report from the project ReiseNavet Read publication
- SamÅpne: Prosesser for samordnet åpning av kommunale data Read publication
- Using open data for digital innovation: Barriers for use and recommendations for publishers Read publication
- Users’ Experiences of a Mobile Health Self-Management Approach for the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis: Mixed Methods Study Read publication
- User Needs in the Development of a Health App Ecosystem for Self-Management of Cystic Fibrosis: User-Centered Development Approach Read publication
- Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of children with cystic fibrosis in Europe: Development, validation and implementation of an mHealth tool (MyCyFAPP) Read publication
- Samordning av åpne data mellom kommuner og erfaringer med åpning av data fra fagsystemer
- Open Data Challenge 2022 - Trondheim/Oslo/digitalt
- Open Data Challenge over for denne gang
- Experiences from Open Data Research and Use
- Open Data Research in SINTEF and SamÅpne
- SamÅpne-prosjektet
- - A site for publishers and users of open data
- SamÅpne prosjektwebsiden
- Kommunene sitter på ubrukte digitale gullgruver
- Åpne data i innovasjon