Contact person, projects
- NextGrid - Next generation monitoring and control systems for distribution grids (2023 - 2025)
- FINE – Flexible Integration of Local Energy Communities (2020 - 2024)
- OptiNett - Optimal handling of Challenges in low voltage Public power supply (2019 - 2021)
- MultiGrid (2019 - 2022)
- ERIGrid (2015 - 2020)
- SmartTariff (2014 - 2017)
- DeVID (2012 - 2015)
- OiDG – Optimal infrastructure for seamless integration of distributed generation (2009 - 2013)
- Concept for power quality and reliability measurement and management (PQM) (2007 - 2011)
Contact person, laboratories
- Integration of energy communities in distribution grids: Development paths for local energy coordination
- Research and innovation for a secure, resilient and sustainable electricity grid – FME SecurEL : position paper (CINELDI report 01:2025)
- Dynamic line rating in HV distribution grid – experiences and initial hosting capacity analysis
- Impact of unmanaged PV development on hosting capacity in coupled MV-LV distribution networks
- Economic assessment and grid impact of different sharing keys in collective self-consumption
- Integration of Local Energy Communities in Electricity Distribution Grids: FINE project deliverable
- Enhancing grid hosting capacity with coordinated non-firm connections in industrial energy communities Read publication
- DSO and LEC Collaboration Strategies for Voltage Regulation
- Verification of tool for allocation of harmonic current emissions considering frequency-dependent impedance
- Demonstrating interactions of distribution network and local energy communities operating in hierarchically autonomous control architecture paradigm
- Nytt stort pilotprosjekt skal øke utnyttelsen av strømnettet med 25 prosent
- Kombinerer tiltak for mer effektivt nett
- Energisamfunn – kan energidugnad kutte nettkøen
- Potensielle strategier for å innføre energisamfunn i nettet
- Veikart for innføring av lokal energikoordinering
- Nytt stort pilotprosjekt skal øke utnyttelsen av strøm-nettet med 25 prosent
- Nytt stort pilotprosjekt skal øke utnyttelsen av strømnettet med 25 %
- Pilotprosjektet MaksGrid skal teste løsninger for å øke strømnettutnyttelsen med 25 prosent
- Energisamfunn som nøkkel for akselerert tilknytning av nytt nærings- og industriforbruk
- Hvordan kan vi utnytte strømnettet bedre?