- Rotating photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotubes grown on 3D-printed titanium alloy structures
- High entropy alloy CrFeNiCoCu sputter deposited films: Structure, electrical properties, and oxidation Read publication
- 3D-printed polyamide structures coated with TiO2 nanoparticles, towards a 360-degree rotating photocatalytic reactor Read publication
- Partial oxidation of high entropy alloys: A route toward nanostructured ferromagnets
- 3D-printing of adsorbents for increased productivity in carbon capture applications (3D-CAPS)
- Post combustion carbon capture with supported amine sorbents: From adsorbent characterization to process simulation and optimization Read publication
- Factors Determining Microporous Material Stability in Water: The Curious Case of SAPO-37 Read publication
- Multi-purpose structured catalysts designed and manufactured by 3D printing Read publication
- Fabrication process parameters significantly affect the perovskite oxygen carriers materials (OCM) performance in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) Read publication
- Synthesis and characterization of Al@MOF materials
- Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional nanoparticles for potential theranostic applications
- Synthesis of Ceo2/Gd engineered Nanoparticles as Theranostic Nanocarriers
- 3D-printed polyamide structures coated with TiO2 nanoparticles, towards a 360-degree rotating photocatalytic reactor
- Abatement of nitrogen-containing pollutants: Characterisation studies of industrial de-N2O catalysts
- Evaluation of 3D printed adsorbents for carbon capture applications
- Moving bed temperature swing adsorption (MBTSA) technology for post-combustion CO2 capture
- Development of 3D printed amine grafted silica adsorbents for CO2 capture – adsorbent preparation, performance and potential applications
- Design, construction, adsorbents and evaluation of a moving bed temperature swing adsorption (MBTSA) pilot reactor for post combustion CO2 capture
- Real-Time Evolution of SAPO Catalysts' Local Coordination during Hydrothermal Treatment
- Sub-unit cell structural transformations during template-removal and hydration of SAPO-37 microporous catalysts