Contact person, projects
- RenewHydro (2025 - 2033)
- Modeling a 100% Renewable Electricity System - RES100 (2023 - 2027)
- PRIBAS – Pricing Balancing Services in the Future Nordic Power Market (2017 - 2020)
- Integrating Balancing Markets in Hydropower Scheduling Methods (2014 - 2017)
- SOVN - A new fundamental market model - Including individual water values and power flow constraints (2013 - 2016)
Contact person, expertise
Contact person, software
- Do we have to choose between the ecosystems and the energy transition? Environmental trade-offs with operation of Norwegian hydropower Read publication
- Approximating hydropower systems by feasibility spaces in stochastic dual dynamic programming
- Snow Storage Information in Hydropower Scheduling
- Hydropower Scheduling Toolchains: Comparing Experiences in Brazil, Norway, and USA and Implications for Synergistic Research Read publication
- Approximating Ramping Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling
- Modelling uncertainty in gas and CO2 prices – consequences for electricity price
- Hydropower Aggregation by Spatial Decomposition – an SDDP Approach Read publication
- Continuous Hydrothermal Flexibility Coordination under Wind Power Uncertainty Read publication
- Day-ahead inflow forecasting using causal empirical decomposition Read publication
- Spatial Benders decomposition for hydrothermal scheduling – Application to the Fansi market model
- Flytbasert markedsklarering – Hvordan påvirkes kraftprisen?
- Forskningssenteret RenewHydro skal fornye norsk vannkraft
- Approximating Hydropower Systems by Feasibility Spaces in Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming
- Editorial: special issue on “Hydropower Scheduling”
- Hydropower Aggregation by Spatial Decomposition within the SDDP Algorithm
- Pre‐project: Fundamental modelling of a 100 % renewable electricity system
- Evaluation of measures for hydropower flexibility reduction due to environmental constraints
- Measuring the Impact of Environmental Constraints on Hydropower Flexibility
- A Comprehensive Simulator For Hydropower Investment Decisions
- Generation Scheduling in the Nordic Power Market