- Trends in Norwegian adolescents’ substance use between 2014 and 2022: socioeconomic and gender differences
- Folkedansens dannende potensial
- PROGRAM FOR FOLKEHELSEARBEID - RAPPORTSERIE 3/2023. Evaluering av satsningen "Mangfold - STOLT tå den æ e UANSETT" i Osen kommune
- Evaluering av Elevtjenesteappen - Et folkehelsetiltak i Nærøysund kommune
- Digital utvikling i Statped - en etterevaluering av Digitaliseringsprosjektets måloppnåelse
- Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2022 Read publication
- Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2021
- Spørsmål til Barnehage-Norge 2020 - Analyse og resultater fra Utdanningsdirektoratets spørreundersøkelse til barnehagesektoren Read publication
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on mental well-being of Norwegian adolescents during the first wave—Socioeconomic position and gender differences Read publication
- Psychological distress in late adolescence: The role of inequalities in family affluence and municipal socioeconomic characteristics in Norway Read publication
- Active recreational and silvicultural co-use of forested areas: an innovative forest management study
- Addressing inequality: a school-based intervention to improve pupils’ well-being and social inclusion
- Leisure activities and mental well-being among adolescents across Norwegian municipalities
- Active recreational and silvicultural co-use of forested areas: an innovative forest management study
- Addressing inequality: a school-based intervention to improve pupils’ well-being and social inclusion
- Leisure activities and mental well-being among adolescents across Norwegian municipalities
- Active recreational and silvicultural co-use of forested areas: an innovative forest management study
- SINTEF-rapport skal hjelpe Holtålen
- Early disability pension among school dropouts: the matter of municipality characteristics
- Secondary school completion: Gender differences and the role of childhood family structure