Contact person, projects
Contact person, software
- On the potential role of flexible Norwegian hydropower in managing challenging renewable energy variability events in Europe Read publication
- Hydropower investment decisions. The ProdRisk-Shop simulator: decision support tool for revenue calculations
- Power system impacts of new environmental constraints for hydropower in Norway
- Sammendragsrapport – Samlet innvirkning på det norske kraftsystemet av nye miljørestriksjoner for vannkraften
- Hydropower Scheduling Toolchains: Comparing Experiences in Brazil, Norway, and USA and Implications for Synergistic Research Read publication
- Approximating Ramping Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling
- Modelling uncertainty in gas and CO2 prices – consequences for electricity price
- Vurdering av kraftsituasjonen 2021‐2022 - Sluttrapport Read publication
- Vurdering av kraftsituasjonen 2021‐2022 - Sluttrapport
- Hydropower Aggregation by Spatial Decomposition – an SDDP Approach Read publication
- Kraft eller miljø?
- Electricity markets during a period with extreme prices - Experiences from the NordPool market
- Samlet innvirking på kraftsystemet av vilkårsrevisjoner
- Hydropower flexibility
- Electricity markets during a period with extreme prices - Experiences from the NordPool market
- Sumvirkninger på kraftsystemet av miljørestriksjoner
- Pre‐project: Fundamental modelling of a 100 % renewable electricity system
- Evaluation of measures for hydropower flexibility reduction due to environmental constraints
- Measuring the Impact of Environmental Constraints on Hydropower Flexibility
- A Comprehensive Simulator For Hydropower Investment Decisions