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- Ageing of Environmentally Friendly Insulation Gases by Free-Burning Arcs: Technical Air
- STEM-EDS of Inception Sites of Vented Trees in a HV XLPE Subsea Cable Read publication
- Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion
- Electrical Ageing and Temperature Cycling of XLPE Insulation Saturated with Water
- Microscopy Study of Inception Sites of Vented Water Trees in a HV XLPE Cable Aged in Salt Water
- Compatibility of liquid and solid insulation materials for high voltage subsea connectors Read publication
- Ageing of liquid impregnated cellulose for power transformers
- Chemical ageing of subsea mass impregnated insulation cable paper
- Comparison between synthetic ester and mineral oil impregnated transformer paper aging markers Read publication
- Liquid insulation of IGBT modules: Long term chemical compatibility and high voltage endurance testing
- Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion
- STEM-EDS of Inception Sites of Vented Trees in a HV XLPE Subsea Cable
- Tracking down the cause of water tree issues in wet design high voltage subsea cables
- Tracking down the cause of water tree issues in wet design high voltage subsea cables
- Water Treeing in High Voltage Subsea Cables
- High voltage subsea cables: reducing costs by simplifying design
- Høyspente sjøkabler: Reduserte kostnader med et enklere design
- Material characterization of aged wet-design cable
- Nanocomposites increase reliability and endurance of electrical insulation systems
- Kabelen skal reparere seg selv