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More publications
- Regulatory and legal frameworks recommendations for short sea shipping maritime autonomous surface ships
- The Societal Impacts of Autonomous Ships: The Norwegian Perspective.
- Assessing the resilience of sustainable autonomous shipping: New methodology, challenges, opportunities
- Keeping the human element to secure autonomous shipping operations Read publication
- Towards autonomous inland waterway vessels — a comprehensive analysis of regulatory, liability and insurance frameworks
- D1.2 Evaluation of the operational pilot
- Smartere transport – Møre og Romsdal: L4.1 Cyber security for et autonomt sjøverts persontransportsystem
- A Retrospective Analysis of Maritime Cyber Security Incidents Read publication
- D2.2 Updated cyber risk assessment for the maritime industry Read publication
- Assessing cyber threats for storyless systems Read publication
- Methodological approach towards amending regulatory, legal and liabilities frameworks for MASS
- Autonomous ship concept evaluation – Quantification of competitiveness and societal impact
- Maritime Data Space: Trygg og effektiv informasjonsutveksling
- Novel Assurance Framework for Autonomous Ships
- Secure, Trustworthy and Efficient Information Exchange – Enabling Added Value through The Maritime Data Space and Public Key Infrastructure
- Secure, Trustworthy and Efficient Information Exchange – Enabling Added Value through the Maritime Data Space and Public Key Infrastructure
- Eksplosiv økning i cyberangrepsforsøk i maritim sektor under korona
- Utvikler nytt cyberforsvar for skip
- Maritime Data Space
- Sikkerhet og tillit for samhandling mellom skip og land