Contact person, projects
- Transforming coastal fisheries in Norway: Institutional implications of green technology implementation
- Walking sideways? Management of the Norwegian snow crab fishery Read publication
- Illegal fishing: A challenge to fisheries management in Norway Read publication
- Caught in the environmental discourse—Coastal fisheries under pressure Read publication
- Lost in translation? Practical- and scientific input to the mesopelagic fisheries discourse
- Økonomiske og miljømessige konsekvenser av reguleringer og institusjonelle rammer – Faglig sluttrapport Read publication
- Institutional nuts and bolts for a mesopelagic fishery in Norway Read publication
- Governance implications for the implementation of biodegradable gillnets in Norway Read publication
- Catch-based aquaculture in Norway - Institutional challenges in the development of a new marine industry Read publication
- Hesitant reforms: The Norwegian approach towards ITQ's Read publication
- The Green Transition for Coastal Fishing Vessels: Institutional implications of green technology implementation
- Is it possible to include new perspectives in Norwegian marine governance or do we end up in a tragedy of path-dependencies?
- Forvaltningsprinsipper for et mesopelagisk fiskeri
- Levende lagring - næring med framtid?