- Utvikling av framskrivinger og scenarioer for norsk natur
- Biofuels through electrochemical transformation of intermediate BIO liquids - Assessment of economic ripple effects and social impacts
- Strategies for improving resilience through participatory stakeholder practices – Delphi survey results
- Aktiv flomdemping: Case-studie av Ilavassdraget i Trondheim kommune
- Impact analysis for a potential circular economy strategy for the plastic sector in Estonia
- Effects of Circularity Interventions in the European Plastic Packaging Sector Read publication
- Consumption-based effects on land use and biodiversity Read publication
- Utslippsfri byggeprosess i Oslo. Konsekvensutredning Read publication
- Impact assessment of zero emission building processes in Oslo Read publication
- Costs of refraining from climate adaption. Developing a tool for socio-economic cost estimations – stage 1
- Fremsynsmetodikk i strategisk planlegging
- Assessing potential impacts on biofuel innovation on regional sustainability transition: A case-study in Innlandet, Norway
- - Kraftverk kan ta kraften av flommene
- Approaches to handle disruption effects in transport infrastructure and logistics networks
- Slik kan du spare miljø et – og 150.000 kroner i året
- Så dyrt vert det å ikkje sikre hus og vegar mot flaum
- Så dyrt vert det å ikkje sikre hus og vegar mot flaum
- Så dyrt vert det å ikkje sikre hus og vegar mot flaum
- Socio-Economic Analysis, Mo i Rana case
- The Norwegian Climate Plan 2021: Towards a comprehensive emissions accounting framework that includes international trade