- Creating synthetic data sets for training of neural networks for automatic catch analysis in fisheries
- Can automatic measuring replace humans when evaluating a shrimp fishery? Read publication
- SMARTFISH H2020 D6.1: Report from test and demonstration activities in Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea fisheries
- Sodium reduction in processed cheese spreads and the effect on physicochemical properties Read publication
- Robotic Handling of Compliant Food Objects by Robust Learning from Demonstration Read publication
- Teaching a robot to grasp real fish by imitation learning from a human supervisor in virtual reality Read publication
- Automatisk kvalitetsinspeksjon av snøkrabbecluster
- Robust classification approach for segmentation of blood defects in cod fillets based on deep convolutional neural networks and support vector machines and calculation of gripper vectors for robotic processing Read publication
- Kvalitetsvurdering av fisk fanget med to- og fire-panels seleksjonsinnretninger: Bidrar 4-panelkonstruksjoner og knuteløst lin til økt kvalitet? Tokt ombord F/Tr Havtind 28.06.16 – 11.07.16 - OC2017 A-081 Read publication
- Toktrapport - Evaluering av ny slaktelinje om bord på Molnes april 2017 Read publication
- Training catch analysis models with synthetic data
- KI-basert bildeanalyse og robotisert håndtering - Overvinne datamangel med simulert data
- Maskinsynløsninger for arts- og vektestimering av fangst
- Flexible machine vision solutions for species and weight estimation of the catch
- Maskinlæring og robotikk - hvordan lære roboten nye oppgaver
- Robotic Handling of Compliant Food Objects by Robust Learning from Demonstration
- Quality of food through vision systems, bringing the future to food inspection
- The quality of gillnetted cod - the effects of hauling procedure and net material
- Sortering av snøkrabber for effektiv ombordproduksjon
- Technology for improved catch handling