Contact person, projects
Contact person, expertise
- Sustainability and Nutrition Recommendations: Evaluation of methods used for sustainability assessment in NNR2023 reports
- Resirkulerbar emballasje for ombordfryst sjømat. Fase 2 - Vurdering av to typer emballasje
- A Cross-disciplinary, cross-organizational approach to sustainable design and product innovation in the aluminum industry
- Circular economy in manufacturing companies: A review of case study literature Read publication
- Success factors for open innovation in Norwegian manufacturing
- Knowledge sharing in product development teams
- Creative Spaces in Digital Context - A Critical Evaluation
- Case study: Application of Design for Automated Assembly methods in the development of an electronic product from early design to design freeze
- Improved Life Cycle Management by Product Communication Read publication
- Sustainability Strategies in Industrial Practice
- Resirkulerbar kartongemballasje til frossen sjømat og konvensjonelle produkter
- Resirkulerbar emballasje
- Tøff emballasje for tøffe forhold – emballasje for ombordfryst sjømat
- Bærekraft og sirkulær økonomi
- SFI Manufacturing Maturity Mapping
- Improving Innovation Culture by Demonstrator Design
- Design Driven Innovation in Clusters
- Early Innovation Leadership
- Enhancing Innovation Culture for Collaborative Innovation