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Knut Øien

Senior Research Scientist

Knut Øien is a senior researcher at SINTEF Digital in the safety and reliability group. He holds a PhD in risk control of offshore installations and has had a postdoctoral position in risk analysis at NTNU. He has been a Professor II for a 10-year period at NTNU. He has 30 years of experience with projects, especially related to the petroleum industry, including barrier management, maintenance management, and risk assessments.


Engineer, Mechanical Engineering, Narvik University College
Master of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, NTH
PhD, Department of Production and Quality Engineering, NTNU
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Production and Quality Engineering, NTNU

Competence and research areas

Risk management, risk analyses, risk indicators, risk control methods, emergency preparedness analyses, resilience assessments, resilience indicators, reliability analyses, human reliability analyses, organizational factors, expert assessments, barrier management, maintenance management, functional safety, and cybersecurity.




Contact info

Visiting address:
Strindvegen 4
7034 Trondheim