Research areas
Contact person, research areas
Contact person, expertise
- Energy retrofitting of heritage-protected buildings: Establishing representative case studies Read publication
- Is Heritage Protection a Limiting Factor for Passive Deep Energy Retrofitting? A Cold-Climate Case Study of University Buildings
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Read publication
- Rain resistance of windows – Lessons learned from two decades of laboratory testing Read publication
- Watertight insertion of heavy sliding doors in exterior walls
- Accelerated climate aging tests of structural insulated panels with waste-based core materials
- Wind-driven rain tightness of building-integrated photovoltaics panels
- Semi-Quantitative Assessment System of Expected Moisture Levels in Compact Roofs
- Airtightness Development in Large Timber Buildings: Case Study of a Zero-Emission Building in Norway
- Tetting av bygningskroppen ved bruk av teipprodukter
- Regntettheit til vindauge
- As our energy demands increase, so the planet continues to overheat. But there is still hope
- Selv vernede bygg bør energioppgraderes
- Hvor knapt kan et takutstikk være?
- Hvordan kan vi ivareta krav til energibruk, inneklima og miljø ved rehabilitering av eksisterende bygg?
- Verktøykasse for klimatilpasset bolig. Kinderegget sprenges….
- Verktøykasse for klimatilpasset bolig. Kinderegget sprenges….
- 7 gode råd (og noen fallgruver) til byggherren
- Are architectural approaches holding water?
- Are architectural approaches holding water?