Contact person, projects
- Myworkout GO as Medical Device (2022 - 2024)
- Future Protective Clothing for Workers in the Molten Metal Industry (2015 - 2017)
- Welfare technology for increased physical activity – prevention of illness and increased quality of life in people with COPD (2014)
- Working environment and health in the Norwegian fishing fleet - challenges and health promoting factors (2013 - 2016)
- Evaluation of Active Board and a Saddle Seat on Active Board - A Survey (2012 - 2013)
- Improved Quality of Life for People with Functional Reduction through Physical Activity (2010 - )
- Improved Quality of Life for People with Functional Reduction through Physical Activity (Interreg) (2009 - 2011)
- Asthma and Physical Education in Schools (2006 - 2007)
Contact person, expertise
- Stress responses in surgical trainees during simulation-based training courses in laparoscopy
- Heat strain in professional firefighters: physiological responses to a simulated smoke dive in extremely hot environments and the subsequent recovery phase
- Heat tolerance during uncompensable heat stress in men and women wearing firefighter personal protective equipment Read publication
- Cognitive Performance During Night Work in the Cold Read publication
- Work strain and thermophysiological responses in Norwegian fish farming — a field study Read publication
- Exposure to Bioaerosols during Fish Processing on Board Norwegian Fishing Trawlers Read publication
- Koordinerte brukerforløp og revmatisme. Fra spesialisthelsetjeneste til kommune for personer med revmatiske sykdommer og andre muskel-/skjelettplager Read publication
- Occupational health, safety and work environments in Norwegian fish farming - employee perspective Read publication
- Kulturtilbud for inkludering av eldre med innvandrerbakgrunn. Forprosjekt. Read publication
- Sweat responses during inactive recovery after high-intensity running in hot, dry and humid conditions Read publication
- Termostatkrigen: «Randi-Jeanette» sliter: - Som en fryseboks
- Vil forbedre resultatene av hjemmetrening med KI-app
- High-intensity Endurance and Strength Training in Rehabilitation for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
- Health Risks and Health Effects of Firefighter Work: A Multidisciplinary Project using Register Data, Laboratory Studies and Real Fire Scenarios
- FRIC webinar: Termisk stress og arbeidsbelastning hos brannkonstabler under simulert røykdykking
- Webinar: The HERO project - Health risks and health effects of firefighter work
- Varme- og partikkeleksponering ved brannslukking
- Kor godt vernar branndressen mot røyk og varme?
- Digital trening som medisin
- Tittel Heat exposure and firefighter health