Research areas
Contact person, research areas
- Hvordan måle grønn konkurransekraft i norske kommuner og fylkeskommuner? Read publication
- Veikart for Trondheim kommune på energiområdet Read publication
- Kartlegging av grønn konkurransekraft i Trondheimsregionen : Status for bransjer og bedrifter, samt forslag til hvordan måle over tid
- Ownership, risk and the law for a CO2 transport network for carbon capture and storage in the European Union Read publication
- Three layers of energy law for examining CO2 transport for carbon-capture and storage Read publication
- Developing a pilot case and modelling the development of a large European CO2 transport infrastructure - The GATEWAY H2020 Project Read publication
- Concept for a combustion system in oxyfuel gas turbine combined cycles
- Hydrodynamic viability of chemical looping processes by means of cold flow model investigation
- Hydrogen fuel supply system and re-heat gas turbine combustion
- Design study of a 150 kW(th) double loop circulating fluidized bed reactor system for chemical looping combustion with focus on industrial applicability and pressurization
- ACCSESS and Clean Industrial Deal
- Oppskrift for grønn konkurransekraft
- Strategic discussion on CCUS 2024
- CCUS SET Plan 2024 Update of Targets and R&I actions
- Klimanøytrale og smarte byer – to nye EU prosjekt
- IWG9 Working Group 2 CO2 Capture Update of Targets and R&I actions
- Hvorfor trenger vi helhetlige løsninger for klimanøytrale og smarte byer?
- Industrial Carbon Management Strategy and SET Plan update
- SET Plan IWG9 Update on CCUS R&I targets and actions
- Veikart for grønn konkurransekraft i norske kommuner og regioner: sluttkonferanse