Contact person, projects
- DeGas – 2D modelling of supersaturated water transport using a finite difference method
- Alterations of river flow caused by three types of hydropower plants in Slovenia and Croatia
- Downstream fish passage evaluation using barotrauma detection sensors at the Kongsvinger and Funnefoss power plants Read publication
- 100 key questions to guide hydropeaking research and policy Read publication
- Energy Flexibility-Environmental Outcomes Tradeoffs Workshop Report and Research Roadmap
- Impacts of existing and planned hydropower dams on river fragmentation in the Balkan Region Read publication
- Hayes et al (2023) 100 Key Questions to Guide Hydropeaking Research and Policy.
- Introducing HyPeak: An international network on hydropeaking research, practice, and policy
- Hydropower providing flood control and drought management services under changing climate scenarios: Case studies
- Macroinvertebrate Recovery to Varying Hydropeaking Frequency: A Small Hydropower Plant Experiment Read publication
- How hydropower plants influence fish migration: insights from the Glomma River
- Hvordan påvirker vannkraftverk fiskevandring?
- Utvidet miljødesign: Miljødesign i regulerte vassdrag tar nye veier
- Extended environmental design
- Pilotprosjekt: Fisken overlever ferden gjennom kraftturbinene
- HyPeak: a science-policy network to promote sustainable hydropeaking
- HyPeak: A science-policy network to promote sustainable hydropeaking
- SINTEF makes important contributions to the modernisation of cargo transport on rivers and canals
- SINTEF gir viktige bidrag til fornyelse av varetransport på Europas mange elver og kanaler
- Heftig møte med fossen skal gi nye svar