Contact person, expertise
- Entrained flow gasification of sewage sludge digestate: Experimental and simulation study
- Numerical simulation of lignin gasification: The role of gasifying agents in entrained-flow reactors Read publication
- Experimental and simulation studies of oxygen-blown, steam-injected, entrained flow gasification of lignin Read publication
- Emission Levels and Emission Factors for Modern Wood Stoves
- Gasification of wood powder in a small-scale entrained flow gasifier
- Reducing Emissions from Current Clean-Burn Wood Stove Technology by Automating the Combustion Air Supply and Improving the End-User Interaction - Two Important Primary Measures
- Energy Efficiency Increase by Improved Operation and Control in Wood Stoves
- A Critical Review and Discussion on Emission Factors for Wood Stoves Read publication
- Automatic extinguishing of chimney fires
- Comparison of test method EN 16510-1:2018 with EN-PME test method vs NS 3058-1/2:1994 and NS 3059:1994 Read publication
- Advarer: Ikke fyr opp juletreet i peisen
- Advarer: Ikke fyr opp juletreet i peisen
- Advarer: Ikke fyr opp juletreet i peisen
- Advarer: Ikke fyr opp juletreet i peisen
- Kan skade hus og helse
- Det er ein dårleg idé å hive juletreet i peisen
- Forskar åtvarar mot å brenne juletreet i peisen
- - Ikke brenn juletre i peisen
- Kulden: Slik unngår du pipebrann
- Slik unngår du pipebrann