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Øystein Wiggen

Senior Research Scientist

I work as a senior researcher in the Health and performance technology group in the Health department. I have been at SINTEF since 2008.


PhD in physiology, where I defended in 2012. The topic of the thesis is human performance in the cold, with a focus on both sport and industry.

I have a master's degree in exercise physiology from 2008, with a focus on effective training of patients with intermittent claudication.

Competence and research areas

Experienced researcher in the field of work and exercise physiology, with special interest in the effect of working environment on human performance, health and safety. Research activities focus on the interaction between, human, environments and technology, and how human performance, health and safety can be optimized in exposed occupational groups.




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Contact info

Visiting address:
Vangslundsgate 10
7030 Trondheim