- Novel Recuperated Power Cycles for Cost-Effective Integration of Variable Renewable Energy
- Integration of Chemical Looping Combustion in the Graz Power Cycle
- Integration assessment of turquoise hydrogen in the European energy sector
- Techno-economic assessment of integrated NH3-power co-production with CCS and energy storage in an LNG regasification terminal
- Heat pump-driven adsorption CO2 capture for simple and cost-effective retrofits of coal power plants
- Simulation and optimization of fixed bed and moving bed TSA processes for post-combustion CO2 capture.
- Optimal deployment of energy services for economic upliftment of low-income communities: A South African case study
- The Potential of Chemically Recuperated Power Cycles in Markets with High Shares of Variable Renewables
- Prospects of the Novel CSAR Concept for Fully Electric or Flexible Electric–Thermal Hybrid CO2 Capture from CHP Plants
- Oxygen production at intermediate temperatures using Ca2AlMnO5+δ double perovskite-type oxides
- Performance of Lewatit adsorbent at dry conditions in various contactor/regeneration environments in a NGCC context; a comparative study
- Developing a novel approach for modelling particle-wall heat transfer in fluidized bed reactors for CO2 capture
- Energy-intensive Industry as a Practical and Cost-effective Vector for Blue Hydrogen Exports - A Norwegian Case Study
- Novel Clean Energy Conversion Technologies with Integrated CO2 capture
- Techno-Economic Analysis and Comparison of the new Gas Switching Combustion Technology
- Techno-Economic Analysis of the new Gas Switching Combustion Technology in a Coal-Fired Power Plant.
- Integration of Gas Switching Chemical Looping Technology in IGCC plants for Inherent CO2 Capture.
- Gas Switching Reforming for syngas production with iron-based oxygen carrier- The performance under pressurized conditions
- Gas Switching Water Splitting (GSWS) for efficient hydrogen production
- Pressurized Gas Switching Combustion in a Pre-Pilot Scale Reactor Cluster