Research areas
Contact person, research areas
- Biofuels through electrochemical transformation of intermediate BIO liquids - Assessment of economic ripple effects and social impacts
- Energy systems integration and sector coupling in future ports: A qualitative study of Norwegian ports Read publication
- Agency in green path development: Circular bioeconomy in the wastewater sector
- Maritime transition in the Nordics: State-of-the-art overview and innovation system analysis
- Transition Pathways for a Low-Carbon Norway: Bridging Socio-technical and Energy System Analyses
- Towards a water-smart society: Progress in linking theory and practice
- NTRANS Socio-technical pathways and scenario analysis
- Digital innovation's contribution to sustainability transitions Read publication
- På vei mot nullutslippshavner? Read publication
- Fra oppdrettsplast til verdi: Drivere og barrierer for sirkulær økonomi basert på hardplast fra norsk havbruk Read publication
- Assessing potential impacts on biofuel innovation on regional sustainability transition: A case-study in Innlandet, Norway
- Maritime hydrogen infrastructure and value chains in the decarbonization governance of shipping in Norway
- Bærekraftige forretningsmodeller i den digitale tidsalderen
- Transition pathways towards circular use of plastics: the case of aquaculture plastics in Norway
- Towards a water smart society: what is it and how to assess it?
- Transition pathways towards circular use of plastics: the case of aquaculture plastics in Norway
- Radikal energiomstilling i Europa - er havnene klare?
- Interport - Scenarios for the maritime energy future in Norway
- T3.1 Social acceptance of new port energy solutions. What do we know, and what do we need more knowledge about?
- Radikal energiomstilling i Norge - er havnene klare?