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ElpowerLab is a national facility for developing technology for electrification and the future power grid infrastructure.

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Interdependency of subprojects in ElPowerLab
Interdependency of subprojects in ElPowerLab

The facilities contain laboratories and instruments dedicated to research, development and innovation on electric power components and materials. 

What can we do in the lab? 

High voltage and current sources 
ElpowerLab features state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with HVAC, HVDC, and impulse test setups adhering to international test standards. Additionally, it houses novel high voltage sources capable of generating pulsed and PWM waveforms up to 150 kV. The facility also contains an automated high current test system, enabling the induction of up to 4 kA in high-capacitance objects. 

Materials characterization  
A dedicated laboratory for characterization of thermal, chemical, mechanical, and electrical properties of materials relevant for power components, with special focus on electric insulation systems, is available at ElpowerLab.  

Ultrafast acquisition 
To study breakdown, fracture, and related phenomena, a SIMX camera with nanosecond shutter speed and a 3D UV camera are available. Furthermore, ElpowerLab features MHz bandwidth high voltage probes (up to 400 kV) in conjunction with GHz bandwidth oscilloscopes and a spectrum analyser to study electric signal propagation in both field and laboratory settings. 

ElpowerLab is financed by SINTEF Energi and the Research Council The Research Council of Norway as part of the "National research infrastructure" programme.


Equipment overview

Contact information

The laboratory will have rigs at several locations, both at SINTEF Energy Lab and on Gløshaugen Campus.