TMA - Thermal Mechanical Analyzer
Model: 402 F3 Hyperion
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Manufacturer: Netzsch
The TMA measures length change during application of a static or dynamic force application. It is equipped with two sample holders for expansion or penetration measurements and two furnaces with different temperature ranges, which easily can be exchanged.
Measuring range / Digital resolution
500 µm / 1.25 nm
5000 µm / 0.125 nm
Sample holders and temperature range
- Expansion or penetration with maximum sample size (alumina) In furnace temperature range RT to 1250 OC with optional humidity control
- Expansion or penetration with maximum sample size L 30 mm and Ø 12 mm (fused silica) in furnace with temperature range -150 to 1000 OC with LN cooling
- Furnace with temperature range RT to 1600 OC also available