Characterisation of materials and components
We have long term experience with characterisation of properties of most materials. This includes also function testing and load tolerance testing of components and products. SINTEF uses standard- and inhouse test methods, which opens for demanding and customer specific requests.
Fracture mechanics- and fatigue testing
Nationally SINTEF holds the leading laboratory for fatigue- and fracture mechanics testing. We test at different temperatures and environments. By duplicating real conditions we are able to investigate how different materials and components hold when affected by fatigue and material defects.

The methods we use for testing
Tensile testing/Compression testing; Calculation of true stress-strain data is performed by means of direct measurement of diameter change during loading, using a two-directional laser. The equipment is developed by the SINTEF MA-lab. Beyond that we cover:
1. Pendulum impact testing (Charpy V), also instrumented
2. Bend testing
3. Torsion testing (could be combined with tension-compression)
4. Fracture mechanics testing
5. Fatigue testing
6. Long term testing when a corrosive environment is combined with fatigue, creep and/or fracture
7. Component tests following the specification of the customer
Laboratory equipment
Universal testing machines:
• Dartec 20kN (Servo hydraulic)
• Zwick 30kN
• Instron 250kN
• Instron BiAxial 100kN, 1100Nm (Servohydr. with hydr. grips)
• Dartec 500kN (Servohydr. with hydr. grips)
• Losenhausen UHP 60, 600kN (Hydr.)
• Schenk-Instron 1000kN (Servohydr. with hydr. grips)
Pendulum impact testing:
• Zwick RKP 450J acc. ISO 148
• Losenhausen 300J, instrumented Charpy
• Zwick 50J
High frequency magnetic resonance fatigue test machines
• Amsler 50kN
• Instron 100kN
Temperature chambers og Cryostats:
• Severn Thermal Solutions Chamber, -150°C to +600°C
• 2 pc. Instron model 3119 Chambers, -150°C to +600°C
• 2 pc. Zwick Chamber, -80°C to +250°C
• 2 pc. Julabo Cryostats (alcohol bath), -85°C to +22°C
• 1 pc. Sigmatest induction heating, RT to +1200°C