Multiphase Flow Laboratory
Contact persons
Publications using the Large scale loop test infrastructure
- Large Scale Experiments on Slug Length Evolution in Long Pipes (2020)
- Large Scale Experiments on High-Rate Three-Phase Low Liquid Loading Flows (2019)
- Modelling of the wall film in high-rate low liquid loading flows (2019)
- Pseudo slug flow in viscous oil systems - experiments and modelling with LedaFlow (2018)
- Improvement of LedaFlow for churn flow in vertical pipes (2017)
- Pressure drop measurements in low liquid loading three-phase flows (2017)
- Liquid loading and multiple solutions in vertical flows, experiments and modelling with LedaFlow (2016)
- Experiments for low liquid loading with liquid holdup discontinuities in two- and three-phase flows (2015)
- Terrain Slugging in a High-Pressure Pipeline-Riser System - Large Scale Experiments and Predictions With LedaFlow(2014)
Publications using the Medium scale loop infrastructure
- Oil-Water Pipe Flow Dispersions - From Traditional Flow Loops to Real Industrial Transport Conditions (2018)
- Seabed separation: Low pressure test at SINTEF completed (2016)
- Vil separere olje og gass på havbunnen (2016)
- Experimental Study of the Relative Effect of Pressure Drop and Flow Rate on the Droplet Size Downstream a Pipe Restriction (2016)
- Characteristics of Gas/Water/Viscous Oil in Stratified-Annular Horizontal Pipe Flows (2015)
Publications The safety cells
Publications The wheel flow loops
- Phase Transitions and Separation Time Scales of CO2-Crude Oil Fluid Systems: Wheel Flow Loop Experiments and Modelling (2020)
- Oil-water dispersion formation, development and stability studied in a wheel-shaped flow loop (2019)
- Oil/Water Pipe-Flow Dispersions: From Traditional Flow Loops to Real Industrial-Transport Conditions (2018)
- Evaluation of Gas Hydrates Operation Zone to Establish an Optimal Hydrate Management Strategy (2017)
Publications the high pressure cell
Successive accumulation of naturally occurring hydrate active components and the effect on the wetting properties (2021) https://www.sintef.no/en/publications/publication/1959642/