The tanks are equipped with two carriages: One for towing up to 10 m/s for traditional calm water tests and a second carriage for seakeeping tests and other tests performed with fixed or free-running models. Details about the seakeeping carriage are given below.

Towing tanks I and III*
Tank I and III can be used simultaneously and also as one long tank (I+III) by removing a gate. Both regular and irregular waves can be simulated. The tanks are equipped with two carriages: One for towing up to 10 m/s for traditional calm water tests and a second carriage for seakeeping tests and other tests performed with fixed or free-running models. In tank I+III either of the two carriages can be used.
Main tests performed in towing tanks I and III
- Resistance, open water, propulsion tests, 3D wake measurements
- Seakeeping tests (motions, sea loads, slamming, whipping, active control)
- Manoeuvring (zig-zag tests, Planar Motion Mechanism PMM tests)
- Directional stability tests
- Crabbing tests
- Dynamic positioning tests
- Ship-Ship interaction tests
- Forced motion tests
- Lifeboat drop tests
- Measurement of current forces on offshore structures
- Measurement of forces and moments in six degrees of freedom
- Measurement of displacement in six degrees of freedom
- Propeller blade loading measurements
- Six-component propeller shaft measurements
- Propeller nozzle loading measurements.
- Tests using yacht dynamometer
- Various Pod / Azimuth thruster tests
- High speed video recordings (above and under water)
* Due to construction of the Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre (NHTS), the operational length of the Towing Tank is reduced to 190m, and maximum speed reduced to 5 m/s. Meanwhile, SINTEF Ocean offers testing of high speed applications requiring model scale speeds above 5 m/s through cooperation with another renowned European Towing Tank.