ASAM - Message Services for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

The development of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) was primarily driven by applications for improving traffic safety and efficiency. More recently, C-ITS applications have focused on not only improving traffic safety and efficiency but also making better use of the digitisation of transport under Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM). Indeed, the vision of C-ITS is beyond addressing road safety issues. CCAM is meant for enhanced traffic management and even supporting various business-driven “ecosystems” around C-ITS.
Autonomous and connected vehicles are at the heart of business and innovation in the automotive domain and mobility infrastructures. However, C-ITS means more than just connected vehicles. We must empower new ecosystems around C-ITS. For example, besides traffic safety and efficiency scenarios such as intersection collision warning, overtaking warning, cooperative lane change, there will be “business-oriented” scenarios such as miles-travelled-fees, a request for cheap fuel, requirements for customs declarations, diesel bans in city streets and offers for charging stations.
The European Commission intends to make C-ITS part of the legislation with five standard data packets: CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message), Decentralized Environmental Notification Message (DENM), SPAT (Signal Phase and Timing), MAP, and IVI (In Vehicle Information). In addition, SAM (Service Announcement Message) is a standardized message type without content and can be used to exchange data messages that do not fall under the five previous standards. SAM can be the missing piece to realise enhanced traffic management and enable innovations in business-driven “ecosystems” around C-ITS. The overall goal of our ASAM project is to develop scalable secure C-ITS infrastructures and services based on SAM for enabling "C-ITS ecosystems".
Project Consortium and Funding
ASAM (2019-2021) is a collaborative project between Aventi Technology AS, Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen), and SINTEF AS (the Secure IoT Software research group). This project is partially funded by the Research Council of Norway under the program Pilot-T Project: New Solutions in the Interface between Transport and ICT. The objective of a Pilot-T Project is to accelerate the application of effective solutions by developing and testing/piloting technologies and business models with the potential to enhance the transport system of tomorrow by increasing mobility, improved safety and security, and reducing emissions.
Research & Development
In practice, C-ITS must be scalable and trustable in serving the communication of large numbers of vehicles and smart infrastructures. Our team at SINTEF is conducting R&D activities with Aventi for the scalability, security and trustworthy of the C-ITS infrastructures and services.
News and activities
- 17 February 2020: The Pilot-T ASAM project has featured in the recent blog post by SmartCar.com.
- 24 January 2020: The project's new year 2020 kick off was held at SINTEF where Aventi, SINTEF and Microsoft Norway had a technical workshop.
- 22 January 2020: Read the pamphlet by Aventi describing the ASAM work on the complete platform for C-ITS, Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems.
- 6 December 2019: Project workshop at SINTEF.
- 28 November 2019: Bjørn Magne Elnes from Aventi gave an inspiring keynote entitled "Smart Roads for Intelligent Cars" at the GEMINI IoT Center IKT-PLUSS Workshop at the University of Oslo.
- 7 November 2019: The V2X infrastructure in Norway developed by Aventi has featured on tu.no
- 26-27 September 2019: Project workshop at Aventi.
- July 2019: ASAM project kick-off.
Contact person at SINTEF: Phu Nguyen and Brice Morin
Key research staff:
- Brice Morin
- Phu Nguyen
- Arne Berre
- Åsmund Hugo