Presenter: Karen Sende Osen, SINTEF Industry
We hereby invite you to the HighEFF Webinar series, which will be held every second Wednesday 11:30 (Central European Time, Trondheim).
The webinars will start with 20-30 minutes presentation of topics related to HighEFF's thematic areas, and continue with questions and discussions until 12:30 latest.
The webinars will be open to all HighEFF consortium members.
Webinar - KSP project: LEAN-Low Energy Anodes for Sustainable Electrowinning
In the LEAn project NTNU and SINTEF collaborate with Glencore Nikkelverk (copper, nickel, and cobalt), Boliden Odda (zinc) and Permascand (catalysts) to reduce the energy consumption by developing catalytic layers relying on readily available and abundant elements. Catalysts that reduce the energy consumption by as much as 15 percent are currently available in the new copper electrolysis plant at Glencore Nikkelverk. However, these rely on scarce and expensive elements which severely limit their use.
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