New specific knowledge can be obtained through tailored experimental campaigns. This knowledge may be implemented using our experience with model and simulator development in the relevant simulation tools, and the development cycle is short enough for the new knowledge to have an impact on the field development.
Hydrate studies focus on assessing the risk for hydrate plugging in field solutions without conventional anti-hydrate measures such as continuous MEG injection or electrical heating. By applying proper knowledge, the risk attached to unconventional solutions will be manageable.
Hydrate field studies
Our portfolio of test technologies for hydrate management will document hydrate challenges and reveal possible solutions at a very early stage in the field development. The techniques includes investigation of hydrate plugging potential, hydrate kinetics under realistic conditions and hydrate flowability studies
Multiphase transport studies
The combination of the lab's experience with multiphase modelling and simulation, LedaFlow development, and unique experimental facilities and techniques enables field studies leading to new, groundbreaking multiphase transport solutions