Automated transportation systems
Automation can make transportation of people and goods safer, more environmentally friendly and more efficient.
Automation can make transportation of people and goods safer, more environmentally friendly and more efficient.
Aquaculture involves the farming of fish and other marine animals, as well as the cultivation of things such as seaweed and kelp. This complements the catch-based marine resources, such as fishing, and will be a significant contributor to the future...
Every day, biodiversity – our strongest natural defense against climate change, is threatened by different human activities. At the same time, we need to drive innovation further to develop new solutions to mitigate for climate change.
Circular bioeconomy means that we are able to recycle most of the biological waste we throw away. For example, leftover food, wood and leather products.
The sea can provide solutions to many of the global challenges we face. Today's and future coastal structures are promising technologies in the transition to a zero-emission society.
SINTEF combines theoretical work with laboratory experiments and field experience, and focuses on making results from the work available for operational team, in order to contribute to faster, safer and cheaper drilling and well operations while also...
Applying geological, geophysical expertise and developing our in-house software we can model all elements of a petroleum prospect (from source rock, expulsion, migration, and trap, seal or cap rock). This can be used to evaluate and minimize...
An efficient, selective and sustainable fishery ensures that marine resources can be utilised both now and in the future.
The Ocean covers 70% of Earth, and consists of a mosaic of different governance constellations that Norway, and Norwegian research and industries, have to work within.
Marine ecosystems include biotic organisms and abiotic elements the free water masses and the seabed in all sea areas from fjords and coastal areas to the open sea.
Globalisation, population growth and better living standards are leading to ever-increasing world trade and transport needs. Maritime transport is the most energy efficient form of transport, accounting for 80% of the world’s freight. Norway is one...
New ways of using biomarine resources can play an important role in the green shift. At SINTEF, we develop enabling technologies for the industrial utilisation of new biomarine resources.
Making offshore wind power the cornerstone of the future energy system
Plastics are an integral part of modern life, but their environmental impact, especially on marine ecosystems, is a growing concern. At SINTEF, our multidisciplinary research on plastics encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and...
SINTEF verifIES scientifically the validity of selected concepts and emerging plug and abandonment (P&A) technologies.
Production from new fields faces steadily more demanding conditions: deeper water, greater distances to existing infrastructure, and harsh environments. Existing fields also have complex challenges, including rising water cut and falling pressure...
SINTEF has over 30 years experience in working with industry on upgrading, processing and conversion of oil and gas feedstocks through refinery and petrochemical processes. This spans from atom-scale to process-scale modelling, through lab-scale R&D...
At SINTEF, we work with the development of innovative automated processes within seafood and food production.
The greatest challenge of the global food system is providing enough food for everyone. Additionally, there is competition for resources such as land, water, and energy. A sustainable food system is one that ensures food security and nutrition for...
The world record for long distance multiphase flow transport is 143 km – from the Snøhvit field to onshore. The multiphase flow transport of the future will take place over much longer distances. In order to achieve energy-effective "free flow...
Wave energy research is the set of disciplines that contribute to the exploitation of wave power to generate electricity or other useful work. SINTEF provides expertise on several of these disciplines and develops research-based solutions towards the...