Structural Integrity Analyses of Dynamic Power Cables
SINTEF Ocean performs analyses and testing of flexible risers, including power cables and umbilicals to verify their structural integrity.
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Before a dynamic power cable is installed offshore, its ability to operate in the relevant environment must be verified. One important aspect of this is to ensure that the structural integrity of the cable is maintained for its planned service life.
SINTEF Ocean has a long track record of performing verification of integrity for flexible risers, including power cables and umbilicals, for the oil and gas industry.
With our tailor-made software developed in-house, combined with expertise in structural behavior we are able to provide deep insight into the loads and structural response on component level for these kind of structures. This knowledge is also directly applicable to dynamic power cables to for offshore wind applications.
The analysis workflow normally includes:
- Metocean selection/environment specification
- System behaviour and global respons analyses
- Cross section analyses
- Structural integrity verification
Other types of relevant specialist evaluations and testing we provide to supplement an analysis study may be:
- Full scale verification testing
- Compression/bending testing
- Material testing, in particular to define SN data and friction factors
- VIV analyses and testing
- Clashing analyses