BIGCCS - International CCS Research Centre
In total, 26 PhD candidates were recruited, 21 of whom defended their thesis, and 5 remained active at the end of the Centre. 8 Postdocs were recruited, of which 7 completed and one was due to finish in 2017.
Finally, 52 Master students were registered with BIGCCS related topics, and often worked closely with PhD students in BIGCCS.
A total of 110 journal papers were published with one or more PhD/Postdocs as main author or coauthor. The education program in BIGCCS had a very high quality and an extremely high efficiency. Only one PhD candidate dropped out after 6 months, and 5 PhDs needed extra funding from BIGCCS for a combined total of 10 months.
The international nature of BIGCCS was reflected in the education program. A total of 12 countries were represented in the group of PhDs and Postdocs, with the largest contingencies from Iran (7), Norway (6), Germany (5) and China (4). BIGCCS attracted 11 talented young researchers into Norway: Five from Iran, three from China, and one each from Poland, Bangladesh and France. These numbers will increase when the remaining researchers complete their work for BIGCCS. Only three of those who studied in Norway returned to their home country. The gender distribution was 24% female and 76% male.
A total of 21 professors were active in the supervision of PhDs and Postdocs. 16 of these were at NTNU (super vising a total of 26 candidates), two were at the University of California, Berkeley (supervising two candidates), and one each at the Technical University of Munich (supervising three candidates), the University of Oslo (supervising two candidates) and Ruhr University of Bochum (supervising one candidate).
Overview of the PhD candidates and Master students (pdf).
Leader of SP5 Academia: Professor Truls Gundersen, NTNU