Operability and flexibility of first generation post combustion processes are demonstrated by TNO, EnBW and ENEL pilot plants in order to prepare full scale demo projects such as the ROAD and Porto Tolle projects that will start in 2015. OCTAVIUS will establish detailed guidelines with relevant data on emissions, HSE, and other operability, flexibility and cost aspects.
In addition, OCTAVIUS includes the demonstration of the DMX process on the ENEL pilot plant in Brindisi. This second generation capture process can enable a substantial reduction of the energy penalty and operational cost. The demonstration is an essential step before the first full scale demonstration envisaged to be launched at the end of OCTAVIUS. Application to coal power stations but also NGCC will be considered.
OCTAVIUS builds forward on previous FP6 and FP7 CCS projects such as CASTOR and CESAR. The main coordinating research institutes and industrial partners of these projects also take part in OCTAVIUS. Results of the clean coal research are provided by end-users, engineering companies and technology vendors partnering in OCTAVIUS.
Each of the demo sub-projects (SP2 and SP3) is led by a power company. The demo sub-projects are supported by work packages in SP1 dealing with RTD support activities and common issues. Two work packages in SP0 are dedicated to management and dissemination actions respectively. The latter work package includes contacting stakeholders outside OCTAVIUS.
OCTAVIUS gathers the leading organisations within the field of CCS and clean coal, covering the whole value chain from research institutes to end-users. The consortium consists of 5 research organisations, 2 universities, 1 SME, 1 engineering company, 2 equipment suppliers, and 6 power generators.
OCTAVIUS – Optimisation of CO2 Capture Technology Allowing Verification and Implementation at Utility Scale
OCTAVIUS aims to demonstrate integrated concepts for zero emission power plants covering all the components needed for power generation as well as CO2 capture and compression.
Contact person

Key facts
Project duration
2012 - 2017
Further infromation:
Cordis, Project reference: 295645