BioCarb+ – Enabling the biocarbon value chain for energy
BioCarb+ in the media
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Biocarbon – the new black gold? SINTEF Energy Research blog 7 February 2018.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Biokarbon – Det nye sorte gullet? SINTEF Energi blogg 18 januar 2018.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Enabling the biocarbon value chain for energy. EERA Bioenergy Newsletter 8, 2017.
- Lars Petter Maltby, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Håper på en fortsettelse av BioCarb+. Eyde Cluster.
- Lars Martin Hjorthol, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Lopwood and brushwood make high-grade charcoal. Gemini.
- Lars Martin Hjorthol, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Kvist og kvas blir edelt kull. Gemini. Reproduced on forskning.no, Aftenposten nett and Adresseavisen nett.
- Newsletter 2-2017
- Newsletter 1-2017
- Newsletter 2-2016
- Newsletter 1-2016
- Newsletter 2-2015
- Newsletter 1-2015
- Newsletter 2-2014
- Newsletter 1-2014
Publications and presentations
- Eszter Barta-Rajnai, Zoltán Sebestyén, Emma Jakab, Eszter Patus, János Bozi, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli, Roger Khalil, Zsuzsanna Czégény (2019). Pyrolysis of untreated and various torrefied stem wood, stump and bark of Norway spruce. Energy & Fuels 33:3210-3220.
- Maider Legarra, Trevor Morgan, Scott Turn, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Jerry Antal Jr (2019). Effect of processing conditions on the constant-volume carbonization of biomass. Energy & Fuels 33:2219-2235.
- Pietro Bartocci, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Federica Liberti, Gianni Bidini, Francesco Fantozzi (2019). Biocarbon production and use as a fuel. In "Production of materials from sustainable biomass resources", pp. 295-324, Springer Book Series - Biofuels and Biorefineries.
- Pietro Bartocci, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Hu Song, Haiping Yang, Mauro Zampilli, Gianni Bidini, Francesco Fantozzi (2019). Mechanical aspects and applications of pellets prepared from biomass resources. In "Production of materials from sustainable biomass resources", pp. 325-358, Springer Book Series - Biofuels and Biorefineries.
- Maider Legarra Arizaleta (2018). Constant-volume carbonization of biomass. University of Hawaii at Manoa PhD thesis.
- Eszter Barta-Rajnai (2018). Influence of torrefaction pretreatment on the composition and decomposition of lignocellulosic materials. Budapest University of Technology and Economics PhD thesis.
- Kathrin Weber, Sebastian Heuer, Peter Quicker, Tian Li, Terese Løvås, Viktor Scherer (2018). An Alternative Approach for the Estimation of Biochar Yields. Energy & Fuels 32:9506-9512.
- Helmer Belbo, Henriette Vivestad (2018). Predicting delay factors when chipping wood at forest roadside landings. International Journal of Forest Engineering 29(2):128-137.
- Liang Wang, Fredrik Buvarp, Øyvind Skreiberg, Roger Khalil (2018). Impact of storage time and conditions on properties of biocarbon. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:715-720.
- Liang Wang, Fredrik Buvarp, Øyvind Skreiberg, Pietro Bartocci, Francesco Fantozzi (2018). A study on densification and CO2 gasification of biocarbon. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:145-150.
- Pietro Bartocci, Marco Barbanera, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Gianni Bidini, Francesco Fantozzi (2018). Biocarbon pellet production: optimization of pelletizing process. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:355-360.
- Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Quang-Vu Bach, Morten Grønli (2018). Carbonization pressure influence on fixed carbon yield. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:7-12.
- Maider Legarra Arizaleta, Scott Q. Turn, Trevor Morgan, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Morten Grønli (2018). Carbonization of biomass in constant-volume reactors. 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 3-8 June 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- E. Barta-Rajnai, L. Wang, Z. Sebestyén, B. Babinszki, R. Khalil, Ø. Skreiberg, M. Grønli, E. Jakab, Z. Czégény (2018). Characterisation of the pyrolysis products obtained during torrefaction of stem wood, stump and bark of Norway spruce. 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 3-8 June 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- L. Wang, Ø. Skreiberg, M. Grønli, M. Antal (2018). A study of char formation from cellulose under different conditions. 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 3-8 June 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- L. Wang, M. Legarra, T. Morgan, Ø. Skreiberg, S. Turn, M. Grønli, M. Antal (2018). Characterization of biocarbon produced under different carbonization conditions. 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 3-8 June 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Roger Khalil, Simen Gjølsjø, Scott Turn (2018). Enabling the biocarbon value chains for energy and metallurgical industries. Proceedings of 26th EUBCE, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1221-1228.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Sam Van Wesenbeeck, Maider Legarra, Morten Grønli, Michael Jerry Antal, Jr. (2018). Characterization of biocarbon produced under different carbonization conditions. 26th EUBCE, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Maider Legarra Arizaleta, Trevor Morgan, Scott Turn, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Morten Grønli (2018). Constant-Volume Carbonization of Biomass. 26th EUBCE, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Maider Legarra Arizaleta, Trevor J Morgan, Scott Q Turn, Michael J Antal, Jr., Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Morten Grønli (2018). Constant-Volume Carbonization of Biomass. 255th ACS National Meeting, 18-22 March 2018, New Orleans, USA.
- Kathrin Weber (2018). Production and properties of biochar. PhD thesis at NTNU, 2018:61.
- Kathrin Weber, Liang Wang, Sebastian Heuer, Viktor Scherer, Tian Li, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås (2018). CO2 gasification of biomass chars derived from fast pyrolysis of birch bark and forest residues. 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 14-15 February 2018, Bochum, Germany.
- Liang Wang, Tian Li, Gábor Várhegyi, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås (2018). CO2 Gasification of Chars Prepared by Fast and Slow Pyrolysis from Wood and Forest Residue. A Kinetic Study. Energy & Fuels 32(1):588-597.
- Maider Legarra, Trevor Morgan, Scott Turn, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Jerry Antal Jr. (2018). Carbonization of biomass in constant-volume reactors. Energy & Fuels 32(1):475-489.
- Kathrin Weber, Peter Quicker (2018). Properties of biochar. Fuel 217:240-261.
- Gábor Várhegyi, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Towards a meaningful non-isothermal kinetics for biomass materials and other complex organic samples. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 133:703-712.
- Maciej Olszewski, Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Terese Løvås (2017). The techno-economics of biocarbon production processes under Norwegian conditions. Energy & Fuels 31(12):14338-14356.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). BioCarb+ and biocarbon research at SINTEF Energy Research and NTNU. BioCarb+ open workshop, 9 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). The BioCarb+ project. SFI Metal Production Autumn Meeting, 7-8 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Biocarbon research needs, for the metallurgical industry. SFI Metal Production Autumn Meeting, 7-8 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli (2017). Biocarbon production and utilization. SFI Metal Production Autumn Meeting, 7-8 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Biocarbon properties and how to influence them. SFI Metal Production Autumn Meeting, 7-8 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Maider Legarra Arizaleta, Trevor Morgan, Scott Turn, Michael J. Antal, Jr., Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Morten Grønli (2017). Pressurized Biocarbon Production: Constant-Volume Carbonization of Biomass. SFI Metal Production Autumn Meeting, 7-8 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Biokarbon. SINTEF Energy Research leader group meeting, 6 November 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
- Fredrik Buvarp (2017). CO2 gasification reactivity of densified biocarbon. SINTEF Summer Job Project report. Supervisors: Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Alexis Sevault, Roger Khalil, Bjørn Christian Enger, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Liang Wang, Morten Seljeskog, Rajesh Kempegowda (2017). Performance evaluation of a modern wood stove using charcoal. Energy Procedia 142:192-197.
- Liang Wang, Przmeysław Maziarka, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Mariusz Wądrzyk, Alexis Sevault (2017). Study of CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions. Energy Procedia 142:991-996.
- Liang Wang, Nicolai Alsaker, Øyvind Skreiberg, Benedicte Hovd (2017). Effect of carbonization conditions on CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon. Energy Procedia 142:932-937.
- L. Wang, E. Barta-Rajnai, Ø. Skreiberg, R. Khalil, Z. Czégény, E. Jakab, Zs. Barta, M. Grønli. Effect of torrefaction on physiochemical characteristics and grindability of stem wood, stump and bark. Applied Energy 227:137-148.
- Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang, Morten Grønli (2017). The pressure influence on biocarbon yield and quality. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- K. Weber, T. Li, T. Løvås, C. Perlman, F. Mauss (2017). A Layered Particle Approach to Model the Conversion of Thermally Thick Particles. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- M. Legarra Arizaleta, S. Van Wesenbeeck, S. Turn, T. Morgan, M. Antal, Ø. Skreiberg, L. Wang, M. Grønli (2017). Constant Volume Pyrolysis of Biomass for the Production of Char with High Fixed-Carbon Content. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Liang Wang, Nicolai Alsaker, Øyvind Skreiberg, Therese Videm Buø, Rolf Gunnar Birkeland, Aasgeir Valderhaug, Benedicte Hovd (2017). Gasification behaviours of different biomass charcoals under CO2 atmosphere. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Liang Wang, Przmeysław Maziarka, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Mariusz Wądrzyk (2017). CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- P. Bartocci, R. S. Kempegowda, F. Liberti, G. Bidini, Ø. Skreiberg, F. Fantozzi (2017). Technical and economical feasibility of combusting biocarbon in small scale pellet boilers. Proceedings of 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1128-1134. See also BEsustainable article.
- Alexis Sevault, Roger Khalil, Bjørn Christian Enger, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Liang Wang, Morten Seljeskog, Rajesh Kempegowda (2017). Performance evaluation of a modern wood stove when using charcoal. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- E. Barta-Rajnai, L. Wang, Z. Sebestyén, Z. Barta, R. Khalil, Ø. Skreiberg, M. Grønli, E. Jakab, Z. Czégény (2017). Comparative study on the thermal behavior of untreated and various torrefied bark, stem wood, and stump of Norway spruce. Applied Energy 204:1043-1054.
- Gábor Várhegyi, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Towards a Meaningful Non-isothermal Kinetics for Biomass Materials and Other Complex Organic Samples. 1st Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference, 6-9 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
- Eszter Barta-Rajnai, Liang Wang, Zoltán Sebestyén, Zsolt Barta, Roger Khalil, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli, Emma Jakab, Zsuzsanna Czégény (2017). Thermoanalytical characterisation of torrefied stem wood, stump and bark of Norway spruce. 1st Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference, 6-9 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli (2017). Biocarbon production and utilization. 2nd International Bioenergy (Shanghai) Conference and Exhibition, 19-21 April 2017, Shanghai, China.
- Maria Zabalo Alonso, Khanh-Quang Tran, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). A kinetic study on simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yield of charcoal production via atmospheric carbonization. Energy Procedia 120(August 2017):333-340.
- Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Khanh-Quang Tran, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Techno-economic assessment of integrated hydrochar and high-grade activated carbon production for electricity generation and storage. Energy Procedia 120(August 2017):341-348.
- Maider Legarra Arizaleta, Scott Turn, Trevor Morgan (2017). The manufacturing of charcoal in sealed vessels. 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition - Advanced Materials, Technologies, Systems & Processes, 2-6 April 2017, San Francisco, USA.
- Peter Quicker, Kathrin Weber (2017). Biokohle - Herstellung, Eigenchaften und Verwendung von Biomassekarbonisaten. Springer Vieweg. ISBN 978-3-658-03688-1
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Biomass upgrading for improved combustion processes. CenBio Final Conference, 13-14 March, Ås, Norway.
- Eszter Barta-Rajnai, Gábor Várhegyi, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli, Zsuzsanna Czégény (2017). Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Wood and Bark and their Torrefied Products. Energy & Fuels 31(4):4024-4034.
- K. Weber, T. Li, T. Løvås, C. Perlman, L. Seidel, F. Mauss (2017). Stochastic reactor modeling of biomass pyrolysis and gasification. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 124(March 2017):592-601.
- Khanh-Quang Tran, Terese Løvås, Øyvind Skreiberg, Rajesh S. Kempegowda (2016). Hydrochar slurry fuels and high-grade activated carbon for electricity production and storage - Conceptual process design and analysis. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET) Proceedings, pp. 251-255.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Sam Van Wesenbeeck, Morten Grønli, Michael Jerry Antal, Jr. (2016). Experimental Study on Charcoal Production from Woody Biomass. Energy & Fuels 30(10):7994-8008.
- L. Wang, E. Barta-Rajnai, K. Hu, C. Higashi, Ø. Skreiberg, M. Grønli, Z. Czégény, E. Jakab, V. Myrvågnes, G. Várhegyi, M. J. Antal, Jr. (2017). Biomass Charcoal Properties Changes during Storage. Energy Procedia 105(May 2017):830-835.
- Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran (2017). Biocarbonization process for high quality energy carriers: Techno-economics. Energy Procedia 105(May 2017):628-635.
- Khanh-Quang Tran, Maria Zabalo Alonso, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yields of charcoal from forest residue via atmospheric carbonization. Energy Procedia 105(May 2017):787-792.
- Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran, P.V. P. Selvam (2017). Techno-economic assessment of thermal co-pretreatment and co-digestion of food wastes and sewage sludge for heat, power and biochar production. Energy Procedia 105(May 2017):1737-1742.
- Hau-Huu Bui, Liang Wang, Khanh-Quang Tran, Øyvind Skreiberg, Apanee Luengnaruemitchai (2017). CO2 Gasification of Charcoals in the Context of Metallurgical Application. Energy Procedia 105(May 2017):316-321.
- David Lüdecke (2016). Kinetic modelling of biomass pyrolysis. RWTH Aachen University Master thesis. Main supervisors: Peter Quicker, Terese Løvås, Co-supervisor: Kathrin Weber
- Przemysław Maziarka (2016). Reactivity of biochar with CO2 using thermogravimetric analysis. AGH University of Science and Technology Master thesis. Main supervisors: Mariusz Wądrzyk, Terese Løvås, Co-supervisors: Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Maciej Pawel Olszewski (2016). The techno-economics of biocarbon production processes. AGH University of Science and Technology Master thesis. Main supervisors: Karol Sztekler, Terese Løvås, Co-supervisors: Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Nicolai E. Alsaker (2016). Biocarbon for use in metallurgic industry. SINTEF Summer Job Project report. Supervisors: Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Eszter Barta-Rajnai, Emma Jakab, Zoltán Sebestyén, Zoltán May, Zsolt Barta, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli, János Bozi, Zsuzsanna Czégény (2016). Comprehensive compositional study of torrefied wood and herbaceous materials by chemical analysis and thermoanalytical methods. Energy & Fuels 30(10):8019-8030.
- Maria Zabalo Alonso (2016). A thermogravimetric and kinetic study on devolatilization of woody biomass. NTNU Master thesis. Main supervisor: Khanh-Quang Tran, Co-supervisors: Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Hau-Huu Bui, Liang Wang, Khanh-Quang Tran, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). CO2 gasification of charcoals produced at various pressures. Fuel Processing Technology 152:207-214.
- Sam Van Wesenbeeck, Liang Wang, Frederik Ronsse, Wolter Prins, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2016). Charcoal 'mines' in the Norwegian woods. Energy & Fuels 30(10):7959-7970.
- Liang Wang, Benedicte Hovd, Hau-Huu Bui, Aasgeir Valderhaug, Therese, Videm Buø, Rolf Gunnar Birkeland, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran (2016). CO2 reactivity assessment of woody biomass biocarbons for metallurgical purposes. Chemical Engineering Transactions 50:55-60.
- Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Zsolt Barta, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang (2016). Value chain analysis of biocarbon utilisation in residential pellet stoves. Chemical Engineering Transactions 50:7-12.
- Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran, Pagandai V. Pannir Selvam (2016). Bio-carbonization process integration for high quality energy carriers: charcoal, biomethane, biocrude, and biofertilizer. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Kathrin Weber, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2016). Carbon Yield Predictions in Biochar Based on Stochastic Reactor Modelling. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Liang Wang, Hau-Huu Bui, Benedicte Hovd, Aasgeir Valderhaug, Therese Videm Buø, Rolf Gunnar Birkeland, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran (2016). Reactivity assessment of biocarbons for metallurgical purposes. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Zsolt Barta, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang (2016). Energy efficiency, environmental aspects and cost-efficiency of small-scale biocarbon conversion applications – value chain analysis. Proceedings of 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 717-721.
- Hau-Huu Bui, Liang Wang, Khanh-Quang Tran, Øyvind Skreiberg, Apanee Luengnaruemitchai (2016). CO2 Gasification of Norwegian Charcoals Prepared at Different Pressures. Proceedings of The Petroleum and Petrochemical College International Symposium, Chulalongkorn University, 24 May 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 49-55.
- Khanh-Quang Tran, Hau-Huu Bui, Apanee Luengnaruemitchai, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). Isothermal and non-isothermal kinetic study on CO2 gasification of torrefied forest residues. Biomass and Bioenergy 91(Aug 2016):175-185.
- Kathrin Weber, Tian Li, Terese Løvås, Lars Seidel, Cathleen Perlman, Fabian Mauss (2016). Stochastic reactor modelling for biomass pyrolysis. Pyro 2016 (21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis), 9-12 May 2016, Nancy, France.
- Morten Grønli, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). Towards the maximum theoretical yields of charcoal from biomass pyrolysis. Pyro 2016 (21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis), 9-12 May 2016, Nancy, France.
- Charissa Rachelle Mika Higashi (2016). A study on the theory, generation, and retention of charcoal quality by thermochemical equilibrium calculations, efficient microcrystalline celulose carbonization, thermogravimetry, and psychrometric experiments. University of Hawaii Master thesis. Supervisor: Michael J. Antal, Jr.
- Liang Wang, Gábor Várhegyi, Øyvind Skreiberg, Tian Li, Morten Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2016). Combustion Characteristics of Biomass Charcoal Produced at Different Carbonization Conditions: A Kinetic Study. Energy & Fuels 30(4):3186-3197.
- Hau-Huu Bui (2016). CO2 gasification of charcoals produced from Norwegian stem wood and forest residues. Chulalongkorn University Master Thesis. Main supervisor: Apanee Luengnaruemitchai, Co-supervisors: Khanh-Quang Tran, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Sam Van Wesenbeeck, Charissa Higashi, Maider Legarra, Liang Wang, Michael Jerry Antal Jr (2016). Biomass pyrolysis in sealed vessels. Fixed-carbon yields from Avicel cellulose that realize the theoretical "limit"!. Energy & Fuels 30(1):480-491.
- Maria Zabalo Alonso (2015). Use of charcoal as reductant in metallurgical industry. NTNU Project thesis. Main supervisor: Khanh-Quang Tran, Co-supervisors: Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2015). BioCarb+ Verdikjeden for biokarbon: Fra biomasse til energi. Bioenergidagene 2015, 18-19 November 2015, Gardermoen, Norway.
- Kathrin Weber, Tian Li, Cathleen Perlman, Lars Seidel, Fabian Mauss, Terese Løvås (2015). Modelling of wood devolatilization using a stochastic reactor approach. Nordic Flame days 2015, 6 October 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Øyvind Skreiberg (2015). BioCarb+. Presented in the session "Grensesprengende forskning" at Energiforskningskonferansen, 21 May 2015, Oslo, Norway.
- Sam Van Wesenbeeck (2015). Charcoal in a nutshell: Biocarbon production from cellulose, Norwegian wood, Macademia nutshells and sewage sludge. University of Hawaii Master thesis. Supervisor: Michael J. Antal, Jr.
- Benedicte Hovd (2015). Biocarbon for energy - Biocarbon CO2 reactivity. SINTEF Summer Job Project report. Supervisors: Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg
- Liang Wang, Gábor Várhegyi, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2015). Combustion Characteristics of Biomass Charcoal Produced at Different Carbonization Conditions. Proceedings of 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1196-1199.
- Liang Wang, Charissa Higashi, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2015). Charcoal Production from Forest Residues. Proceedings of 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1184-1187.
- Liang Wang, Kathryn Hu, Charissa Higashi, Øyvind Skreiberg, Viktor Myrvågnes, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr., Gábor Várhegyi (2015). Effect of Storage Time and Conditions on Biomass Charcoal Properties. Proceedings of 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1180-1183.
- Sophie Kloepfer (2015). Prozesse und Anlagen zur Herstellung von Biomassekarbonisaten. RWTH Aachen University Bachelor thesis. Main supervisor: Peter Quicker, Co-supervisor: Kathrin Weber
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2014). Thermogravimetric studies of charcoal formation from cellulose under different pyrolysis conditions. AIChE Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, 16 - 21 November, 2014.
- Pre-BioCarb+ publications in CenBio
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Gregory Patrick Specht, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2013). Is elevated pressure required to achieve a high fixed-carbon yield of charcoal from biomass? Part 2: The importance of particle size. Energy & Fuels 27(4):2146-2156.
- Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2013). The smart biofuels of the future. Biofuels 4(2):159-161.
- Michael J. Antal, Jr., Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli (2013). Is Elevated Pressure Required to Achieve a High Fixed-Carbon Yield of Charcoal from Biomass?. International Symposium held at Osaka University, Japan at the 18th March 2013.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli and Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2013). Attainment of High Fixed-Carbon Yields from Biomass. 2nd Nordic Biochar Seminar in Helsinki, Finland, 14-15 February 2013.
- Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2012). Is Elevated Pressure Required to Achieve a High Fixed-Carbon Yield of Charcoal From Biomass? AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, 28 October - 2 November, 2012.
- Michael J. Antal, Jr., Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli (2012). Fundamentals of biocarbon production and utilization. CenBio days 2012, 18-19 January, Ås, Norway.
- Liang Wang, Marta Trninic, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Roland Considine, Michael J. Antal, Jr. (2011). Is elevated pressure required to achieve a high fixed-carbon yield of charcoal from biomass? Part 1: Round-robin results for three different corncob materials. Energy & Fuels 25(7):3251-3265.