The work of the project has made a number of contributions to current knowledge and developed methods that are useful in managing complex operations, in which integrated planning is particularly important. For example, Total E&P Norway has used the results of the research programme in their development of integrated planning practices at the Marti n Lingefield.
The objective of integrated planning is to ensure cost-eff ecti ve and safe operations. To achieve this it is important to have a complete overview of all operati ons, facilitated through e ffi cientcoordinati on across professional boundaries, organisations and locations. Introduction of integrated planning involves both development of the organisation, adoption of new technological tools and increased competence for all involved in operational planning and execution.
One important result of the research programme has been the writing of a web-based eBook that presents a number of methods, tools and approaches to the introduction of integrated planning. The eBook is a valuable tool to people/actors involved in operational activities and to petroleum industry supply companies in general.
The research team has collaborated closely with global energy companies such as Petrobras, Statoil and Total, in addition to Aker Solutions, which is a major subcontractor in the area of maintenance and modifications. The Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), NTNU, the University of California, Berkeley and SINTEF Technology and Society have all been research partners in the Integrated Operations Centre.
Better planning improves efficiency and safety
SINTEF has been a participant in the Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry (SFI Centre), along with central partners in the petroleum sector.Ongoing for seven years the research program ended on 31.12.2014.
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