GAFT - Gasification and FT-Synthesis of Lignocellulosic Feedstocks
Feedstock knowledge and pretreatment
In terms of feedstock, forestry biomass is the largest resource for biofuels purposes in Norway. In order to improve the overall economy, we aim at utilising a diverse range of available fuels, from relatively clean wood chips to low-grade forestry residues, which are economically favourable. The use these wide varieties of feedstocks will ensure sustainability, an important key factor especially for the production scale we aim to develop. Identifying biomass resources and producing optimised feedstocks through pretreatment methods that will minimise the challenges associated with EF gasification is the main objective for this subproject.
To major pretreatment methods will be explored in GAFT; torrefaction and fuel mixing. The two technics aim at transforming the feedstock into a solid fuel that is more suitable for gasification in an entrained flow gasifier. Torrefaction will yield a product that is much easier and requires less energy to grind. The particle size distribution and the particle uniformity of torrefied material is also better suited for entrained flow gasification. With fuel mixing and use of additives, we aim at influencing the ash chemistry during gasification so that the ash becomes molten inside the reactor. The molten ash will protect the reactor core against the harsh gasification conditions and particularly against high temperatures and corrosion. The molten condition is also critical for taking the slag out of the reactor without the risk of blocking the outlet due to partial solidification.
Feedstocks to be explored: